Homemade mini smoking



Nowadays, no one is no longer surprised by smoking houses. That's why I want to tell how you can do such a miracle smokehouse at home

When you want to shrink a small amount of products with a hot way, in some cases it is possible to do with an ordinary bucket or a similar capacitance with a lid. In this case, the pallet (grid with holes) is installed on the bottom, and several holes for rods with hooks are made at the top of the bucket (smoking products will be suspended).

Also on the rack, instead of the rod, you can install a grid, pickup it in the size of the racks. At the top of the smoke, a small hole should be made to exit smoke.

The first thing for the container is poured by a layer of sawdust or chips of hardwood trees with a thickness of approximately 4 cm. Then the device is installed and the products are suspended. After that, the bucket is closed with a lid and put for a short time on fire, until the chips begin to smooth. As soon as this happens, the fire is reduced. The duration of smoking directly depends on the type of products and their masses and, as a rule, is 20-40 minutes. The products prepared must be pre-wrapped with gauze so that there is no soot.

For Hot smoked A large number of products use a barrel without the bottom, and the fire is diveged directly under the barrel.

For Cold smoked Also used barrels, but already with the bottom.

For this variant, smoking the barrels are cut out the bottom. Then they dig a hole with a diameter just under the barrel and a depth of 40 cm. Next, jump the groove-chimney, making it at an angle to the hearth (pitfall), in which the fire will be divorced. The barrel is installed on the bricks, putting metal rods under it, and the space between the barrel and bricks is pretty gloomy. It is best to put the hearth brick or stone. In the process of smoking, the hearth and chimney are covered with metal sheets.

For this option, the holes in which the rods are inserted, and the products are inserted on hooks. The barrel is installed on bricks, and in its lower part there is a hole for the pipe, according to which smoke will flow into the barrel. The stove is located at a distance of 3-5 m and combined with a barrel by means of a pipe. From above, the barrel in the process of smoking is covered with burlap.

Smokehouse. Option 1

Smokehouse. Option 2.

A source

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