Walkway out of the tumka do it yourself


Walkway out of the tumka do it yourself

The country season began at the time of improvement and construction and for the topic of the track from the tumka do it yourself

As a famous Planyak, he "plaster" is a rather cheap material if you know where to take it;) I got a little such natural stone on the occasion - rather smooth with a slight rough surface of the tile with broken edges. Thickness of about 5 cm.

It was not a facing, so I thought about the beautiful path of it ...

He began to look like. And I share with you the most simple instruction and your explanations. In a word, it is quite possible with your own hands to bed the track from the tumka in the country or where you need.

Let's start that we need to be plastic, sand on the submet, boards on the walls, geotextiles or similar material from weeds, medium or small gravel, better than river. Shovel, rake, rambling, hammer, possibly Bulgarian.

Step 1

We work with the soil.

The track from the ladder with their own hands is placed geotextiles

If you need to remove part of the upper layer by 5-10 cm. We install flights from the board (so as not to fall - outside the pegs, you can screw the walls with screws)

We put on the base of the track right on the native soil geotextile to prevent the germination of weeds. Textile edges hide under the border.

Step 2.

We smear on textiles 5 cm. Salad sand.

Walkway from a ladder with their own hands Sand pillow

It will be suitable for almost anyone. Extfect it with rakes to get a flat pillow for paving the track. If you have a low place or a lot of rain, it is better to add a 5-centimeter pillow from gravel to the sand so that water did not stand on the ladder.

Step 3.

Before tamping sand, it is necessary to shed water to it so that it complains.

The track from the tumka with their own hands we water the sand with water

You do not need to overdo it, just wet so that he is donkey.

Step 4.

Trambling sand.

Walkway out of the laddard do it yourself a trabovka

You can do it all, ranging from the vibrating plates, rolling and ending with the simplest tamper or by simple "baba" in stores sell special rams, but it makes no sense to buy such a thing. A piece of log or bar and transverse bar and a much effective means will come out.

In general, we go through the swamp in the wet sand several times to compact as it should.

Step 5.

We lay out the plate on the future track trying to lay down with equal gaps in a couple of centimeters.

Laying plastic ladder

This creative work and on the layout of the plaspex will need time. Perhaps some pieces will have to push or cut the grinder with a special circle. This is required on the rotations and ends of the track.

Step 6.

I fall asleep gaps - cracks between the tumor gravel.

Walkway out of the laddard with your own hands we fall asleep gravel

So that the plates lay better use medium or small river (it looks better) No gravel can be used by sand, but I did not like this option at once.

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