Necklace "Flower Polyana"


Wonderful, warm, the gift will be for the daughters, moms or grandmothers it is knitted with crochet, Floral necklace.


To fulfill it, you will need:


  • Knitting threads (shades of green (preferably "iris" or other subtle embossed threads) and red or any other color (preferably wool, mahers or other threads with volume)
  • Lace (Brown or Yellow)


  • Knitted hook
  • Needle
  • Scissors


Necklace manufacturing course:

1 - Knit "Polyanka": We make a chain of green threads, connect to the ring so as to freely wear on the neck through the head, we bind the chain with semi-solids, adding petals (5-6 columns with an attachment in one loop), you can still be tied up for thickness " seam through the edge ";


2 - We make flowers of different quantities: connect the chains (from 5 to 11 loops) into the ring, which is tied up with a "seam through the edge", then add the petals (5-6 columns with an attachment to one loop), we mask the ends of the threads in the finished flower;

3 - Place the flowers on the "Polyana" (for approximately an equal distance from each other) as follows: around the "chain-clearing" in the hole of the flower from 2 sides, we felt the lace, tie it with a knot, cut off and the flower stitch turns out (for the ends of the lace did not disengage, fade the edges);


4 - Make the base of the flower: knit a small circle (ring 3-5 loops and several rows with semi-brass), sew to the necklace from the back side of the flower, T.S. Closing the lumen and firmly fixing the flower on the "Polyana".


That's all. It turns out such an elegant, a floral-spring necklace for our favorite women!


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