Decorations from Papo Masha


Beads from Paper Masha. Master Class

The technique of Papier-Masha, which is used in this master class, is quite simple and is applied to the long time for the manufacture of various items (dolls, masks, decorative dishes, etc.). There are two ways: the external wrapping of any form with small pieces of torn paper and the modeling of paper mass. To make beads from Papier Masha, we will use the second way and make our beads from newsprint.

For work, we will need the following materials:

- newsprint,

- PVA glue,

- Tassel,

- Toothpicks,

- Acrylic paints, varnish.

1. We are swearing the newspaper on small pieces, we put in a saucepan and pour boiling water. It is advisable to all this mass and boil and leave to spill overnight. The most important thing is that the structure of the paper fibers broke up under the action of water. To do this, the grinding mass needs to be well in hand or use a blender. Next, using a colander, we remove excess water from the resulting mass and press the risk paper with your hands as much as possible.

Beads from Paper Masha. Master Class

2. If the paper mass turned out a lot, then the surplus is better to immediately pack in the plastic bag and remove into the refrigerator, as the mass will dry very quickly. To the resulting mass add glue PVA, approximately 4 tablespoons on a small piece, size with a middle apple. What do you start to mix the mass as the dough, warm all the lumps until it becomes elastic.

Beads from Paper Masha. Master Class

3. We begin to sculpt beads. Take a small piece of papier-mache and roll the ball from it about a diameter of 1 cm (you can show your fantasy and cut out beads as you want, there are no restrictions). Schedule it with a spoon or plastic blade. Toothpicks pour the hole for stringing on the thread. If the toothpicks are long, then slide several balls on one toothpick and leave them in such a position, putting these "kebabs" from the beads to some box. Sew beads near the battery is not recommended, as they can crack. Therefore, drying can take several days.

Beads from Paper Masha. Master Class

4. After complete drying, the beads can be treated with emery paper to compare small roughness and give the desired shape. Next, we proceed to the coloring of the beads, holding them for the toothpicks.

Beads from Paper Masha. Master Class

Since the beads are made of newspapers, they turned out dark. Therefore, before painting, apply a water-free white paint on them. Crying beads follows a thin tassel, and then coat each thin layer of acrylic varnish.

Beads from Paper Masha. Master Class

5. And now the most creative stage comes - you need to form a ready-made necklace from ready-made beads. Beads can be driven onto a nylon thread, pressing them tightly to each other, and you can take a thin satin or oscillation tape into the tone and add some more interesting elements into the tone and add some more interesting elements. If the beads are long, then the clasp can not be done, just tie a node tight. But you can buy a ready-made clasp and make beads shorter.

Beads from Paper Masha. Master Class

And now the exclusive beads from Papier Masha are ready! No matter how you definitely do, following our instructions, you still have a completely different, individual decoration.

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