Stained-glass paints by owls


Stained-glass paint with owl hands | Fair Masters - Handmade, Handmade

This master class is about how very simple and quickly make stained paints with your own hands, then to decorate the windows with the applied "baking plates." To do this, we need PVA and food dyes glue.

Pour glue PVA in the container, a little, 2 teaspoons are enough

Stained-glass paints by owls

Add a few drops of dry or liquid food dye there, stir

Stained-glass paints by owls

We make so many colors as you need and you can draw a tassel. The greater the paint will be applied, the bodies are better, the picture is more dense after drying. In order for the finished adhesions to be easier to tear off the base, it is better to use a film or a file instead of the basics. You can draw on the file just like that

Stained-glass paints by owls

but can be inside the file to put the desired picture or coloring and color it

Stained-glass paints by owls

Drawn pictures leave to dry out at night

Stained-glass paints by owls

In the next morning, carefully dug the stained glass from the file. The party that was adjacent to the file will be smooth and brilliant - this side and need stained glass join to the window

Stained-glass paints by owls

We apply our stained glass windows to the window, carefully smoothing your fingers

Stained-glass paints by owls

Let the child choose where the pictures will be located

Stained-glass paints by owls

If necessary, ready-made pictures can be painted with markers

Stained-glass paints by owls

That's all! Now admire the result. I immediately became so fun and elegant!

Stained-glass paints by owls

Stained-glass paints by owls

This is a Ulyanina Picture - Sun, Lawn and Butterfly

Stained-glass paints by owls

All adhesives with ease are separated from the glass, not leaving traces

Stained-glass paints by owls

More beautiful stained glass windows can be done using a bulk contour (I have for fabric, but you can anyone). The technology is the same, but in this way you can make more elegant things. Thus, festive inscriptions and snowflakes are good.

Stained-glass paints by owls

This stained glass window can become a bracelet! :-)

Stained-glass paints by owls

Stained-glass paints by owls

That's all! I hope this master class will inspire you and your children to decorate the window in the nursery! :-)

Stained-glass paints by owls

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