Torching - Flowers, Applique


Torker Flowers Appliqué

Today I will tell you what a torch is, this snience has not such a great difficulty as an exposure and a lot of cost time. If you know how to draw this, of course, it will be a huge plus. Traveling flowers - it makes kids in the first classes.

Let's think about what we need to create colors in the style of transportation:



Stamped, corrugated paper

Pencil to draw, as well as the other side

Thin sharp wand to apply glue and correlate irregularities

Cardboard, white


We make preliminary blanks, cut the corrugated paper on many, many pieces, size 1 per 1 centimeters. You can of course more.

And now step by step instructions:

one . Draw on a dense cardboard flower.

Drawn flower

2. . Now in small segments are applied glue. Those. Applied glue - glued a couple of pieces of paper.

Apply glue.

3. . Now make directly transportation. We take a piece of paper, press the pencil from above with a pencil and edges of the piece of paper, too.


Making Trashing

4. Now every piece of paper, immediately glue on the cardboard, to the place where we put glue.

Torching flowers

Flowers and torches

five . That's how it turns out when we stick one piece of paper.

Torch flower

6. . Such a craft is already completed.

Torching flowers

Try to face, especially beautifully looks in flowers. The paper requires naturally excerpts and patience.

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