Environmental toy - Half her hands


The presented work is a unique ecological toy performed in manual. Her raisin is that you watered it with water and after a while, a juicy, gentle, thick grass begins to grow from her head, creating a very cool tever. Watch the process will be interesting to you and your children. After the "hair" of the travrist will lie a little, they can make the hairstyle, gently cutting the grass as you like more. Later she will definitely grow again. Moreover, green grass can be used for animal corner of nature.

Appointment of this craft : This toy will not only decorate your home and bring joy, but will benefit those who have pets.

The purpose of the master class : Distribution and transfer of pedagogical experience, training for the manufacture of the original toy - a grass tray.


- improving the professional skill of teachers;

- Acquaintance of teachers and parents with techniques for the manufacture of a travolor.


"Tell me - I'll forget,

Show me - I will remember

Give me to do it

And it will be my forever. "

A person always pulls to something new, unknown, and in everyday life, among the gray days, we are looking for joy and holiday. I am not an exception. I suggest and you try! In honor of the first month of summer, let's make a unique ecological toy with you. I present to your attention the master class on the manufacture of trains!

For the manufacture of a grassributor, we will need:

1. Owls

2. Seeds of cereals (barley, wheat) or the seeds of lawn grass.

3. Kapron stockings, tights

4. Scissors.

5. Glue

6. Acrylic paints

7. Slices of color self-adhesive wallpaper

8. Spoon.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step-by-step process of making a grass

Step 1. We will proceed to the manufacture of our travelers. First we will make the body. Cut part of the stocking or tights, as shown in the photo. For tightening, prepare small segments of the same Capron. Tighten the end of stockhing by a bypass trimming.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 2. . Remove our foundation so that the tail is gone inside.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 3. . Now we take a tablespoon and smell seeds. Seeds are distributed in the place where you are planning to grow your grass.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 4. . Now you feed the stocking sawdust. Sawdows put more more, do not worry to finish, so that more fit.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 5. . Here are such heavy bags we turned out.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 6. . When there is enough sawdust, tie the tip of the stocking by the bypass trim and scissors cut the surplus.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 7. . Now we begin to form a future tray. It already depends on your imagination. Separated a small amount of sawdust, made, for example, nose, knit, tightened the trimming and cut off too much. And so everything you want: nose, ears, legs ...

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 8. . That's what eventually it turned out.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 9. . Engineering our kids. We glue the eyes, nose, mouth on the "Master" glue. I cut them out of self-adhesive wallpaper. In general, the eyes are sold directly by sets in stationery. Optionally, paint the grass with acrylic paints.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 10. . Our traveler is ready!

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 11. . Now you need to dunk the travators in the water for 1 hour so that it absorbs water.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 12. . Put the grass tray in a warm and bright place and every day water so that it is constantly in a wet state.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 13. We did with the children in the kindergarten of the grass in the garden on Friday evening, so I fear, no matter how they dried over the weekend, put them in a plate and closed the bag. At home you can not do, just regularly water

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 14. . . What a surprise was waiting for children on Monday.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 15. Our trails in 7 days.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 16. . Herballers in front of a haircut.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 17. . Haircut of grassors.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

Step 18. After a haircut.

Environmental toy - Half her hands

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