How to make a rattle caterpillar with your own hands

Such a funny-toy pillow is suitable for children from three months and will contribute to the development of small motors. Older kids will be interested to get acquainted with flowers, learn to consider and compare different items. In this article, I will tell you how to make a rattle of the caterpillar with my own hands.

Rattle of caterpillar

Materials and tools for making rattles

Materials for Rattle

  • Elastic fabric, for example, biflex: 6 pieces of 10 × 5 cm; 1 piece of 10 × 20 cm; 6 Striped 14 × 1 cm
  • Synthempuch, Hollofiber or Singry Training
  • Plastic Egg from Kinder Surprise
  • Small beads
  • Threads Moulin for Eye End and Rotika
  • scissors
  • needle
  • Threads for sewing

First decompose pieces of fabric in the desired sequence.

Flap elastic fabric

Then we sew the details of each other. If you sew a typewriter, use a leg and needle for knitwear.

Sew fabric

We fold the tricks of the caterpillars in half and flash the side part. For convenience, it can be pre-filled or led by pins.

Toy caterpillar

Billet for toys

One end to collect on the thread and tighten tight.

Sewing toys

How to sew a toy

Turn out

Caterpillar do it yourself

Put in syntheph, but not too tight.


We add beads (a glass granulate and buttons are suitable for different sizes) so that the baby can develop a small motorcy.

Glass granulate

As the body fills in a pack, we tie it with pieces with pieces of fabric, future legs.

Homemade caterpillar

At the tips tie the nodules.

Creating toys

Developing toy

The resulting segments are flashing, right through the strings. So they will definitely do not untie!

Firmware segments

We take the remaining piece of fabric, fold in half and draw a circle on it.

Cutting fabric

We flash, not forgetting to leave an open area for turning.

We flash fabric

Cut everything too much.


Soak on the front.

Head of Caterpillar

We stick with a synthepuch and put an egg with beads, outlining eyes and mouth.

Filling synthephukhu

Embroide your eyes. To do this, we take a needle with a thread through an unimpressed area in the marked place, embroider both eyes, and again we take the thread in an unimpressed area. Titles typing and cutting.

Memo: You can change the appearance of the face to your liking, however, remember that toys for completely small children should not have small details that are easy to tear off. It may be dangerous for their health!

Eye embroidery
Embroidery eyes
Eye caterpillars

In the same way embroidering the mouth.

Embroide Rotik
Mouth Caterpillar

The head is securely sewn to the body.

Head and torso

Tighten, fix and cut the thread.

Children's caterpillar

The connection site withdrawing a strip of fabric, tie the nodules at the ends and flash.

Caterpillar is ready!

Toy do it yourself

If you increase the size - it turns out a funny pillow. You can sew beads or buttons to the eye, and you can simply draw as the mouth, paint in textiles, but it is better to embroider for the smallest, so safer.

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