Cat - Toy from Threads


Toy from thread

From threads for knitting, you can make different toys. The manufacture of such toys does not take much time. For example, a small funny cat can even make a child

For the manufacture of this toys you will need: - Threads for knitting white and black colors; - dense paper or cardboard; - Circle; - sharp manicure scissors; - needle and threads for sewing; - rope or thick decorative lace; - pink bead; - eyes for toys or black beads - white felt, - pink satin ribbon; - Thin lace black or blue. Procedure for manufacturing toys-cat.

1. On dense paper, draw two rings with an outer diameter of 6.5 cm and an inner diameter of 1.5 cm. Manicure scissors gently cut rings from paper.

Cut rings

2. Fold the rings together and tightly wrapped them with white threads for knitting until the inner hole of the ring will not be filled with threads.

wipe the rings with white threads

3. Sharp manicure scissors cut the threads along the edge of the rings.

cut the threads along the edge of the rings

4. Take a segment of a white thread, stretch it between rings, wind up several times and firmly tie to the nodule.

Hang Pomponchik scissors

5. Remove paper rings, and you will get a fluffy pomponchik. Hang the pomponchik with scissors so that it acquires the correct round shape.

Hang it with scissors

6. Now you need to make the black pomponois itself, only a little smaller size than white. To do this, cut out of thick paper two rings with an outer diameter of 6 cm and an inner diameter of 1.5 cm. Fold paper rings together, clean with black threads tightly. Cut the threads along the edge. Take the segment of the black thread, wrap it between the rings and firmly tie. Remove paper rings and you will get a little black pomponchik. Hang it with scissors.

Tightly link black and white

7. Tightly link the black and white pomponchiki among themselves.

Crop out extra threads

8. Trim extrany threads.

Rear paws cat

9. Take two cuts of a rope or decorative lace of 14 cm long. At the ends of the segments to tie over the nodule. Of these, it turns out the front and rear paws of the cat.

Rear paws cat

10. Tracing the ropes to pomponers and several stitches to sew to pomponics. It should be monitored so that the length of the paws is the same.

Length Laps

11. From a white felt, cut two small triangles - it will be the ears of the cat.

Ears cat

12. Tracing ears to the head and grab them with several stitches.

Cat toy from threads

13. Sew spout from pink beads. Glue the finished eyes purchased in the store for children's creativity (if there is no such eye, you can sew two black beads).

Cat toy from threads

14. Tie a cottage bow from a pink satin ribbon.

Cat toy from threads

15. Take the lace, folded it twice and tie at the end of the knot. Send the lace to the toy head.

Cat toy from threads

Toy from thread is ready. Children can play with a cat, teens use as a suspension to decorate a bag or backpack, and this toy can be suspended in the car.

Cat toy from threads

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