Refrigerator in the country do it yourself


Refrigerator to give your own hands

Long time there were no entertaining experiments and once the country's theme will tell you what to do if there is no refrigerator or is it possible to make a refrigerator in the country with your own hands

It has long been wondering how ancient preserved foods in the cold during the summer, without having luxurious modern technology, they probably knew the secrets! As it turned out, they knew the physics better than us.

If you do not have a refrigerator in the country or in the village or you want to save on electricity or in the village there is simply no - try a simple trick. They say it enjoyed 5,000 years ago.

This project will require two buckets, pots or tanks of different sizes, such that one inserted into another with decent, centimeters in five gap.

I used a couple of clay flower pots who were at hand.

Also need ordinary sand and water. The refrigerator scheme is shown below:

refrigerator to give your own hands - scheme

Step-by-step manufacture of a refrigerator to the country at the following photos.

- I smell a little sand on the bottom of the big pot and recall. You can put a gasket - a stand for a small pot and take the drain hole.

- put a smaller pot on a pillow of sand

- I fall asleep the rest of the space between the pots of sand.

- Pour sand with water.

In principle, you can do without sand with one water, but then it will be more in a pot and evaporate worse. But the trick of experience is that when the fluid from the outside evaporates, the heat is removed from the smaller pot

Refrigerator to give your own hands manufacture

All is ready. Just in case, clean the inner pot from the sands and put the fruits and vegetables there "in the chill" .

By the way, this principle works with different capacities and fillers and now you can make a refrigerator in the country with your own hands. If the weather and circumstances will require

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