Little tricks when furnace floods


Little tricks when device board facilities | Fair Masters - Handmade, Handmade

This master class is represented by the master Novikov A.I., posted on the person of the author.

I think that today few people are engaged in the device of female floors. Everyone is started to put parquet, parquet board, parquet seats, laminate, linoleum, gender tile, etc.

In this regard, in my opinion, it is worth recalling that the boarded floors, as a rule, are stacked by lags. Lags are attached to the grounds that are made from a bar or brick. Well, the lags themselves are performed from wooden bars or timber.

In modern construction, cement screed is made in front of the flooring devices. Then, on the screed, you can put the plywood with a thickness of 12 - 14 mm, well, to make it a flooring on it. At the same time it will be necessary to apply:

- Dubel-nails to feed plywood to the screed,

- Special glue glue to plywood screed,

And then the glue is needed for laying the boards themselves, i.e. The boards must be attached to the plywood with nails and glue. For better fastening boards on such a base, glue must be lubricated the entire surface of the board. This, naturally, increases the cost of work.

I did somewhat differently. The floors needed to be put in the room located in the ground part of the house. After the device of the cement screed (in the basement, it is, in my opinion, you need to do), I applied the same sex board for the lag device, as for the floor, a thickness of 37 mm. For a reliable fastening of Lag to the screed "planted" them (construction glue), which is designed for gluing a tree to concrete

Little tricks when furnace floods

And "shot" lags to the screed of a dowel-nail 8 x 80 mm

Little tricks when furnace floods

Little tricks when furnace floods

In the "classic" version, which was used for years so 30 ago, with the device of the militant floors, the floor boards were attached to the lag just a simple breaking of the germ on top of the nail, i.e. Hats nails were almost visible and hiding from the view of a man during a pace painting.

In the current conditions, the floor is taken, after laying, subject to thorough grinding and cover the beautiful texture of the tree with varnish, i.e. Nails must be hidden. At the same time, it is quite obvious that the floorboards, when laying, need to tightly press each other with the help of wedges. This can be done in my case, only by fastening the stop for the wedge on the lag.

Little tricks when furnace floods

Little tricks when furnace floods

But then how to score nails? After all, it is impossible to break through the board. Invented by me, the trick is that in the wedge on top there is a special groove,

Little tricks when furnace floods

which allows you to score nails middle part of the floorboard

Little tricks when furnace floods

As can be seen from the picture, this is a small addition gives good results, and if the groove is at the top of the wedge to make a sewn, you can score two nails from one position to the wedge.

Another trick is the applix of the CS glue into part of the lags under the floorboard

Little tricks when furnace floods

This, naturally, saves glue and will continue to exclude the creaking of the floor.

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