Leather Hat for Dolls


Master class is represented by Master Lyudmila Shcherbina (Sherbina) /

Leather hat for doll | Fair Masters - Handmade, Handmade

Recently, I have a need to manufacture a leather hat for a doll. How to do this, unfortunately, did not find it ... Therefore, I began to fantasize myself. The process fell and now I want to share with you. If my experience is useful to someone - I will be very glad! The idea is not new and has long been twist in the air, so I do not pretend to authorship, but as a guide to action is very good.

So, let's begin! We will need:

  1. Natural skin 2-3 species, it is necessary that one piece is dense (I have a double rough suede)
  2. Scissors
  3. Glue shoe moment, it is perfect for working with leather products
  4. Matches, candle or any other source of open fire
  5. Long tweezers so as not to burn your fingers when working with fire (I found such in my kitchen)
  6. A little fantasy and free time.

Leather Hat for Dolls
Leather Hat for Dolls

First, we draw a large circle on a dense piece of leather, equal to the diameter of the desired hat. And on a piece of softer skin, we draw a circumference of a smaller diameter, But more Circle Circles Dolls. It is important! Cut. It turned out two mug.

Leather Hat for Dolls
Leather Hat for Dolls

Now we will deal with the processing of our hat. We take a tweezers a smaller circle and bring to the fire. Buy the edges take place. We get a beautiful, smooth "plate":

Leather Hat for Dolls
Leather Hat for Dolls

Leather Hat for Dolls

We apply it to the fields of hats and get it. It will be the size of the hat, ideally, it should be a little more scum of the doll head.

Leather Hat for Dolls
Leather Hat for Dolls

Cut out a small circles and make the insane, with their help we will connect the donyshko and hats fields.

Leather Hat for Dolls
Leather Hat for Dolls

Next will have to rummage in your bins and find some bubble or a tube on which fields can be planted and donyshko, and which would serve as a block for our hat. In this case, the usual glass bottles with iodine helped.

Leather Hat for Dolls
Leather Hat for Dolls

Now cut the striped of soft skin. Its length is equal to the circumference of the received pedestal, and the width is the height of the hat.

Leather Hat for Dolls
Leather Hat for Dolls

Lubricate it, curved peckers and the edge of the edge of glue. Let me dry a little. We connect all the details, cut unnecessary. We leave until complete drying. And we dress on our model.

Leather Hat for Dolls
Leather Hat for Dolls

Leather Hat for Dolls

Leather Hat for Dolls

Leather Hat for Dolls

Leather Hat for Dolls

In principle, you can leave so. But it is possible to fantasize. For example, fasten one edge like this:

Leather Hat for Dolls

Or make a more ladies using contrasting colors.

Leather Hat for Dolls
Leather Hat for Dolls

You can decorate feathers, rhinestones or roses ... as you please. But in my case, all these delights were anything and I left like this:

Leather Hat for Dolls

A source

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