New life of old chews


I would like to share your alteration of the old set of cooks

New life of old chews
Here is a set I got.

Unfortunately, I have not survived a detailed description of the process, but I will try to explain how they say "on the fingers."

New life of old chews
That's how the cooks looked before the alteration.

To work I needed:

- White acrylic paint,

- blue acrylic paint,

- ordinary dining wipes,

- a piece of wooden lining,

- acrylic varnish for securing work,

- PVA glue construction.

New life of old chews
Napkins that I used.

New life of old chews
A piece of lining, which I also transformed for a set of dialing.


So, the set I decorated with decoupage technique. At the beginning of work, I painted the handles of cooks in white, then gave them well to dry. Next cut out of three-layer table wipes I need the motives. When the paint on the handles of my cooks is completely dry, I began to decoupage them.

To do this, I took the patterns you need, separating from the napkin the upper layer with a pattern, and with the help of the construction glue, the PVA fastened them on the handles. After covered with acrylic varnishes in four, five layers (it is necessary in order for the cookies not only for the decor, but also performed their main functions).

As for the holder for my cooks (a piece of wooden lining), I also decorated it. I wanted to create artificial cracks, the effect of the so-called Krakkerur (special varnish for creating cracks in decoupage), but I did not find it, and I decided to make cracks on my own .

To do this, I covered the lining with blue acrylic paint, gave dry a minute, followed over the top of the thick layer of PVA, also dries a minute, and on top of the PVA brought white paint and immediately began to dry it all the usual hairdryer. Thanks to such not complicated actions, cracks are obtained no worse than from the real Krakkära. When the lining dried, I decorated it as well as the handles of cooks with napkins, in the technique of decoupage.

It is a pity, of course, that I can't show the whole process of step by step in photos, as then I did not think of removing work on the camera. It turns out very interesting, so you can transform many things in the house.

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