Bracelet "Denim Style" Bead


The author of the article is Natalia Pedersen.


I want to show a master class for the manufacture of the bracelet "Denim Style", which loved very much over the years. Immediately I will say that here I will tell you technical questions on the assembly of the bracelet, but I will not talk about how to weave the mosaic cloth. Therefore, those who want to make such a bracelet need to learn the technique of mosaic weaving and the dispatch of the mosaic canvase. On the Internet a huge number of sites where you can learn this and believe my friends, it's not at all difficult.

This bracelet will be executed in the black and silver version, how many times did the order for a set-bracelet, earrings and hair rim. I'll show everything here.

I immediately apologize for the quality of the photo, but I do all my orders after working and home affairs, when it is already dark on the street, so you have to fit in artificial lighting.

So, proceed.

Immediately make a reservation, it is not necessary to use those materials that I specify, use those that you have, but do not forget that for mosaic weaving you need a very even beads, otherwise the canvas will not be even ..

We will need:

1. Threads - I use Fireline

2. Beads I use Delica

3. Borey needles

4. "Clap". I use a cup of 5 mm beads



Here's actually, the photo of all materials. We can use different, but here I will show those that I use when I fulfill the order.




The beginning of the weaving is the broad basis of the bracelet-mosaic web of the width you want. I emerge from the width of the buckle. In this photo shows a piece of the frame of the base of the bracelet bracelet to secure the castle.


The following two photos show how the lock is covered with inside and completely wide the base of the bracelet.



Now proceed to the narrow strap. We do everything exactly like on the belts that we all use. The first half of the strap



The second half looks in this way. This half has a hole. I am not a special in drawing schemes, but if necessary, I draw and lay out later. The photo of both halves separately and actually the strap itself assembled by cluttered.



Now the photo of the main canvas and strap. Note that the strap is longer than the main web for about 1cm


Fix the strap to the main cloth with a cloth on one side so that it can be controlled by its length


We fly 4 cutters of 7 beery


And carefully fasten all the details. Bracelet ready.



My friends! If something is not clear, ask. I never did master classes, so I could have missed something. After a couple of days, I will lay out the master class on the manufacture of gray and rim for hair, I will try to draw how to make a hole larger.

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