Strengthen the feast in solid jacket


Strengthen the feast in solid jacket | Fair Masters - Handmade, Handmade

It has long wanted to share your accumulated experience. Namely, technical moments, as I decorated the seats of coats and jackets.

Using your attention, allow myself a lyrical, but important digression! Do not go, please, immediately go to the pictures, pay attention. This is important, especially novice, in our exciting business.

I would like to call you here: if you do clothing for yourself - please, it can be any quality - if your product is spread, it is deformed, you just relete it or you will not wear. But if you sell a low-quality product (and does not matter how much Money) and man buying forms a general idea of ​​the quality of such a new material as felt. You must understand what exactly you spoil the overall idea of ​​this wonderful material and reduce the number of potential buyers-fan fan. Yes, and you will have to live with it. The main thing is that after this master class, you think about it

I also understand that at first it is difficult to decide on my own, what kind of felt is the highest quality ... for this, in no case we do not sell your first products! BUT We carry them on their own ! Such a test drive, look, We think, we analyze, correct mistakes, and with the resulting conclusions work on. I am so possible to progress in work, because the buyer once bought a poorly made thing (guests and controlling the quality of products we do not have it yet) will quickly spoil your impression And make conclusions that these are disposable things for which he is not ready to give even minor amounts. So, I hope that it is not necessary to prove for a long time that answering and carrying full responsibility for the quality of the produced, we will not only warm, heal and please our acquaintances, buddies and buyers, but also popularize our wonderful felt. What kind of felt I consider quality - I will once with this topic in my next post. I do not want to mix everything in one topic.

Of course, this is not truth in the last instance, but my own observations and conclusions based on the daily practice and operation of felt products. But for three and a half years of daily practice, it seems to me that I have the right to teach and improve the current situation in the felt market.

Recently, I watch a large number of wonderful things, but fewer pays due attention to strengthening the selection of jackets and coats. I want to note your attention that felt is a very strong material, but any felt does not keep a local load How good would he be shattered. Poorly shattered felt - is not discussed at all, as you understand ... It will quickly deform even without the participation of heavy buttons and buttons.

By installing the accessories of any gravity, we must realize that this is the zone of maximum daily exposure, especially if the silhouette of the fitted and local load exists, not only during the fastening / disposal of the product, but during the entire period of the product in the sock. Notice, it is inconvenient to unbutton yourself and even more so asking the customer to hold the base of the button when you unbutton the product. Often, we simply pull for the jacket shelves and the buttons are unbounded by themselves, but sooner or later you risk getting a hanging button or a button on a torn or severe felt sector. Therefore, I propose a version of the design, which I came up with myself and it has repeatedly passed practical tests.

I really like to use buttons. Very often, it is from magic butchers that the idea of ​​creating a new jacket begins. It happened this time - buttons were found. Wonderful flowers, to the tone of the selected silk for decorating the surface and merino color of the Fuchsia:

Strengthen the feast in solid jacket

It happened that such that several times the buttons were inspired by the creation of a jacket, but as a result, putting already on the finished product, I understood that it was completely obsteed, so merged with the tone of the jacket that their meaning was lost.

Moreover, I found a wonderful wooden brooch, which complemented the image very well and decided to set the buttons. Showing with pictures, how I do it:

So, when we have a well-planted product and dried, we solve the location of the shelves:

Strengthen the feast in solid jacket

We select the brain in color and of course the invoice, it should not be drawn and deformed. In this case, Swiss production with a velvety surface. I can not say that it is very accessible and can always be found, but I buy it in large quantities and therefore with a discount and always there is always a discount.

If you could not choose something beautiful - you can sew it from the inside of the jacket. Sometimes I do this, too, when I use contrasting colors of braid and jacket. Sometimes I use a hat or any other, the main thing is that it does not stretch, well kept the form and was a reliable base for buttons or buttons. In any case, you must sew it there, where the buttons or buttons will be located.

Sevive for this you need to choose a beautiful seam. I love these leaves (№49) on my typewriter.

Strengthen the feast in solid jacket

Now almost all cars go in interesting seams, they are in addition to the fact that beautiful, they are also very reliable. Once I tried to fill up a lightning, pre-beautifully equipped with seam number 50 - a lot of time passed. And I liked it, because I realized that such lines can be counted.

Strengthen the feast in solid jacket

We sew neatly and slowly, it is advisable to choose to choose a beautiful brilliant thread, if possible.

Strengthen the feast in solid jacket

Also, we flash the second side of the braid.

We try on the mannequin, see that the second shelf smoothly matched with the already sewn, I have a little started the edge of the shelf - I liked it more.

Strengthen the feast in solid jacket

Send it and when they found the right location

Strengthen the feast in solid jacket

We select the right number of buttons and an equal interval between them, buy buttons such that are not deformed. They are usually twice as expensive than cheap, dive a couple of times, without any jacket fastened for the fifth time, and stop saving on high-quality fittings.

The jacket is resolved to be fitted, therefore the buttons must be more cheerful - to evenly distribute the load.

Strengthen the feast in solid jacket

Seving tightly, in 4 threads and beautiful on both sides. Strong thread. time goes decent .. but what to do

Strengthen the feast in solid jacket

It is necessary to do it on the half, with a ruler, measuring equal gaps between the buttons

That's all buttons in place:

Strengthen the feast in solid jacket

We also sew on the second shelf. I check every time to fasten without deformation of the edge of the shelf. If I see that I missed, I transform.

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