Vinegar Hair Relacer


Materials and tools: apple vinegar, medicinal herbs, pan, funnel, spoon dining room, container with dark walls, sietchko or march.

After childbirth, the hair was climbed, and the farther - the more. After reading the "literature", I decided to act on them by natural products (I sit on the decret, I can give this time) and in different directions.

To begin with, we will produce acetic rinser on herbs.

Purpose: Strengthening hair, restoration of silkness, shine, decrease in the salinity.

Selection of ingredients:

Apple vinegar - must be natural. (Also, a wine, fruit and berry vinegar are well suited for hair. But we have no such in stores.

Vinegar Hair Relacer

Properties of vinegar: Due to the high content of macro - and microelements (calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, beta-carotene, fiber, eximes, etc.), normalizes the acid-alkaline state of the scalp, struggles with dandruff, protects hair from falling out , restore damaged curls.

Medicinal herbs and plants - select depending on the problems and colors of the hair:

- for shine and stimulation of hair growth: barking leaves

- Under the secting tips: Flowers and dandelion leaves, sage, plantain

- For dry hair: Chamomile and nettle (nettle, by the way, very useful grass, capable: Strengthen the hair, stop falling, itching and dandruff, accelerate growth and significantly improve the appearance of the hair

- For greasy hair: crushed oak bark

- For all types of hair: nettle, chamomile, burdock, mint

- for dark hair: nettle, field hand, oak bark

In general, the choice is yours.

So, proceed.

- Prepare herbs, saucepan and vinegar. I took the grass that was at home and in the nearest pharmacy.

Vinegar Hair Relacer

- Vinegar pour into a saucepan and put on fire to warm.

Vinegar Hair Relacer

- At this time we mix 1 tbsp. Each grass (you can do it immediately into the container with dark walls, in which vinegar will be incanded.

Vinegar Hair Relacer

- Singing the grass into a bottle with dark walls.

Vinegar Hair Relacer

- Hot vinegar remove from fire and pour them our grass (if the walls of the vessel are thin (as in my case), give vinegar a little cool.

Vinegar Hair Relacer

- We thoroughly shake and put in a warm dark place. I chose a bedside table.

Vinegar Hair Relacer

Within 10-14 days, we shake the vinegar annually and put in a dark place again. After 2 weeks, vinegar is imagined.

- Take out and filter vinegar.

Vinegar Hair Relacer

We throw cake. The resulting vinegar overflow into a bottle.

Vinegar Hair Relacer

Vinegar infused on herbs is ready!

After each washing head shampoo (especially purchased on a chemical basis, which adversely affects the pH-balance of the scalp) rinse the hair with a mixture of water and our vinegar in proportion: 1-2 tbsp. vinegar on 2 glasses of water. (Start with a low dose of vinegar, especially if you have dry hair. Perhaps, with dry hair you have to rinse the hair with water. After passing for their condition and decide on themselves). Wash the water is not necessary. Vinegar quickly dishes. With regular such rinsing, your hair will soon appease.

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