Master class on drawing veils and folds


We make a handbag for a gift!

We need:

  • Boot
  • Acrylic soil
  • picture
  • Decament glue
  • Acrylic matte varnish
  • Acrylic paint (white, black, umbra)
  • Contour for glass and ceramics white
  • Tassels of different sizes from a bristle
  • Synthetic brush with a bevelled edge
  • Medium Antik or bitumen

Master class on drawing veils and folds

2. Breasting:

Master class on drawing veils and folds

3. We clean the surface with a sandpaper or grinding sponge.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

4. We glue our picture.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

5. Cover with one layer of varnish to protect our picture from "jambs", which are usually when drawing veilics. If something goes not as we need, simply a humid napkin and draw a back.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

6. Now using a medium an antique or bitumen, a slightly semi-dry brush or sponge, follow the face, or, as my acquaintance says - the selection of the facet of work. Thereby collect the picture into a bunch.

If you wish, we do spray. I always have such a desire and here I made a spray of white paint and paint black + umbra.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

7. Well, now the most interesting thing is to draw a veil. Paint from the bottom contour. From how we draw it to depend on how our veil will look in the finished form. Whether it will be one-sided folds, or oncoming, and maybe even combined. The folds of the oncoming type are conceived in this work, and therefore my contour has the kind of such "atomic fungi".

First draw contour with a simple pencil. But I like to draw it with a soft cosmetic pencil for lip white. And then, with a thin brush, we supply acrylic white paint, slightly diluted with water.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

8. Now white acrylic paint is very strongly diluted with water until translucency.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

9. Synthetic brush diluted paint fill the space of our future veil. The brush should not be very wet. From how many layers we will suffer, the density of the tissue will depend on, that is, its transparency.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

10. Now in the place of "folding folds", where the fabric layer is superimposed on each other, we choose the paint strips, which will be our folds.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

11. Now draw shadows on the folds, which will give our veil finished, air and living look. For drawing shadows, it is strongly diluted with water black paint. I also add some kind of paint of the dwarfs of Umbra. I like it more. Shadows are more natural.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

12. Shadows draw a synthetic brush with a bevelled edge. Poppy brush in paint not with the whole brush, but only an elongated edge and draw a shadow first under the lower circuit of the veil. Due to the fact that the brush is beveling, the shadow will be cut and go to bed gently and naturally, without sharp boundaries.

Then also draw shadows along the elevated strips of folds.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

13. Draw a narrow tassel along the edge of a white edge. This will be our ribbon.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

14. Again, cover the operation by the protective layer of acrylic matte varnish.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

15. Narrow flat tassel draw small strokes of paint suitable under the picture of the tone. This will depict the future ribbon inserted into the White Cant.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

16. Let's look closer.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

17. The contour point the edge of the veil and the edges of the ribbon and Kant:

Master class on drawing veils and folds

18. That's how it will look like.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

19. Well now we are ready to go to visit!

Master class on drawing veils and folds

20. On a rope handle, hang this biretop - a reduced copy of our picture. On it we can write our congratulations and the best wishes of the one we go to congratulate.

Master class on drawing veils and folds

21. And do not forget about the inner design. In our work should be beautiful everything!

Master class on drawing veils and folds

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