Coffee beans paintings


Coffee beans paintings

Anti-coffee bean painting

Picture of coffee beans pauckers

Coffee. Could there be something better than a cup of fragrant, invigorating, freshly prepared drink, especially for a coofer? It turns out maybe. It is a picture of coffee grains, which will constantly delight you with a characteristic coffee aroma. I recently caught up with the idea of ​​making a coffee picture. And what: rummaged on the Internet, found pictures from the coffee grains of the author Irina Nikitina and fell in love with them. How, it turns out, just create masterpieces! I began to look further and found the necessary info how to make a similar picture. So, let's begin.

You will need:

- Tight cardboard sheet of the required size.

- A piece of white, beige or dairy tissue is slightly larger than a cardboard sheet (to turn the edges).

- Coffee grains - about 50-100 grams (depending on the drawing).

- thermopystole or glue.

- Glue stick.

- Decorative elements.

Master class on making pictures of coffee beans

1. First we will prepare the background for the future picture. To do this, a well-degraded tissue is measured by the size of the cardboard, but with a bending point from all sides 2 cm. Pretty lubricate a sheet of cardboard with glue, we put the fabric from above and glue, while we are very carefully smoothed. I put the press on the time until the fabric to the cardboard does not stick to the cardboard. Dealer weaving the allowance for the opposite direction of the picture and put it under the press. We give glue to dry.

2. On our background now you need to apply a picture. If you have drawing abilities, the drawing can be drawn. If not, the contours of the picture we transfer from paper to the fabric using a copy. It must be done neatly, thin lines, so as not to blur the fabric.

3. Establishing the drawing of coffee grains. At first, I was glued with the thermopystole of the grains along the contour of the pattern, and then began to fill the entire surface, moving to the middle. Grains I have a flat face to the background.

4. The picture can be supplemented with various decorative elements: souvenir cups of coffee, leaves, threads, buttons.

Coffee beans painting with their own hands

Panel on the wall of coffee beans

Panel on the wall of coffee beans

Homemade painting on the wall of coffee beans

Original coffee beans pattern

Coffee beans crafts, Crow pattern

Coffee beans pattern, horse

Coffee beans pattern, hedgehog

Coffee beans pattern, dog

Coffee beans pattern mouse

Picture of coffee beans, donkey ia

Coffee beans pattern

Coffee beans pattern, kitty

Coffee beans pattern, bee

All: Our work is ready! Made with your own hands, with love and fantasy, such a picture will become an excellent decoration of your kitchen, will help create comfort, and will also raise your rating, as needlewomen, in the eyes of guests. The advantage of such paintings is also in a pleasant texture of the surface obtained by the branches, and also in the variety of natural shades and the size of coffee grains.

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