Plastic apples do it yourself


In this master class, I will tell you how to make a filling apple with your own hands from polymer clay.

An apple is a fruit, familiar to us since childhood. It concluded unusually many characters, sometimes contradictory, it is found in the mythology and the art of different peoples and countries. This is a surprisingly multifaceted image.

And also this is a wonderful bright summer or autumn fruit, which will fit into completely different images. He will remind you of a nice summer house, an apple orchard (after all, few of whom the apple trees do not grow in the country), comfort and loved ones. It turns out an excellent symbolic decoration!

Plastic apples do it yourself

And how to make such beauty, I tell in my new video master class!

Choose the quality of 1080 HD and deploy the full screen to see all the details. Happy viewing!

Here such bulk apples turned out :)

Plastic apples do it yourself

I wish you creative success and inspiration!

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And I will know in which direction to continue its work.

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