Internal Pug Fastening Path


The author of the work - Lena Vashkevich.

I'll show you and tell a little, as I make an inner paugal fastening of the paw. Go!

Internal Pug Fastening Path

It will take:

1) Lape blanks;

2) reinforced string treads;

3) Long Gypsy needle;

4) buttons suitable size;

5) scissors;

6) Textile glue (suitable, crystal or gel)

Internal Pug Fastening Path

2) Paws do not turn out, I have a mirror. Feltuster noted the paw mounting points. For convenience, I noted a point on the pattern, pierced with a selection, then the pumpk-tick moved to the workpiece.

Internal Pug Fastening Path

3) I take buttons, on four sides I nano on a small droplet of glue, placing on the paws. Buttoned holes need to strictly get marks on the pattern. I give to dry.

Internal Pug Fastening Path

4) I cut off 2 double segments, from reinforced thread.

Internal Pug Fastening Path

5) For convenience, the thread is in the Gypsy needle. The edge introduced into the turning hole, piercing the first mark from the marker, the needle goes into a buttonhole. We bring the needle, leave a long tail. We bring the needle into the opposite hole, we take into the hole for turning

Internal Pug Fastening Path

6) That's what we should get. We do the same "Operation" with the second paw:

Internal Pug Fastening Path

7) Paws are now neatly needed. Be careful, do not break off the bugs from the fabric. Advanced: a dense padding, the holes are sewn as careful, do not pull the thread tails!

Internal Pug Fastening Path

8) My toy will be in the jacket, so I additionally sewed hives.

Internal Pug Fastening Path

9) Now we proceed to the attachment of the paw. On the sides, we mark 2 points (at these points the paws will be fastened) Point A is closer to the muzzle, the point B is closer to the back. We enter a long needle to a point in the tail-tail. Thread should get out on the opposite side.

Internal Pug Fastening Path

10) On the other hand, we enter the needle to the point A., respectively, the needle and tail should get out at the opposite point A.

Internal Pug Fastening Path

11) Now we take two threads-tails, tightly tie (for 2-3 knots). Threads do not cut, throw in the needle and take it somewhere in a bumbling or back. Only then the threads can be trimmed.

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