Gift box "House with a tiled roof"


The author of the work - Emilia.

I will show how you can simulate a tiled roof for a scrap-house.

The house can be any, in my version it is a well-known design of the Magic Box with a slightly modified lid.

Gift box

I will not stop your attention on how to make a disintegrating box - about this much and in detail is written in other sources. Go directly to the roof. The scan is as follows.

Gift box

We make bends on a predetermined bigka so that the ribs are neat, glue the frame.

Gift box

We stick the roof rods from above, (cuts as a rectangle 20 * 11 cm and bend in half). Showing the roof from different sides.

Gift box
Gift box

Now the most interesting. Go to the manufacture of "tiles". We take a divecular foamed rubber, you can foamyran, cut into a strip 2 cm wide, a length of 11 cm (corresponds to the width of the roof of the roof).

Gift box

A stationery knife make transverse cuts to a depth of 1 cm, having them at a distance of 2 cm from each other (one of the extreme cuts will be at a distance of 1 cm from the edge). Strips with cuts alternate so that the incision close to the edge turned out to be on the one hand, then on the other, and all the other cuts did not match each other, but were in a checker order. (The wisdom turned out to be explained, but I hope everything understandably). Cuts are cut off on both sides of the triangle with an edge of 0.5 cm.

Gift box
Gift box

Gift box
Gift box

Preparatory work completed, go to the "Tiles" laying. We accumulate the entire slope of the roof of the bilateral tape (thin), it is convenient to take a wide one (4-5 cm) to reduce the number of strips. The protective layer is removed sequentially (not all at once!) As the tiled strips are glued, first from the bottom of the same row, then above ... and also the second slope. The first (bottom) strip is glued so that rubber is 0.5 cm hanging from a cardboard roof.

Gift box

The second strip and all subsequent sticks are glued, overlapping the lower per 1 cm, just before the base of the cuts.

Do not forget to alternate strips so that the tiles go in a chess order. The strips are glued only to the glue layer of the roof, i.e. The outcropped part is slightly sticking out, it is not glued to the bottom strip.

Gift box
Gift box

Thus filled both sides.

Gift box

For the design of the top, the rod of the roof, cut the band with a width of 3 cm, a length of 11 cm, from the outside, we do a stationery knife a longitudinal incision across the entire length of the strip exactly in the middle, carefully, so as not to cut through the rubber! With the help of bilateral Scotch Crepim "Konk" to the roof. The roof for our house is ready!

Gift box

It remains to arrange the walls, to invest a valuable gift, and the house can be handed to hand!

Gift box

This looks like patterns.

Gift box

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