Sugar-vanilla body scrub "Coffee Mood"


I want to share a simple workshop for the preparation of natural sugar scraper for the body. A lot of recipes are written in the internet, but I hope that you will like my recipe too. Moreover, it is very simple, it is literally 10 minutes, and is suitable for beginners. And almost all the ingredients can be found in the kitchen at any mistress!

I make such a body scrub permanently, but often change the components and flavors so that every time the scrub got a new and not bored! The main secret of my sugar scrub is that I use only high-quality components for it. That is, I do not replace the olive oil with sunflower, natural freshly ground coffee - "sleep" or coffee grounds (as often recommended to use for scrubics), and so on.

This rule concerns, in general, the manufacture of all natural cosmetics as a whole. If you want to get a really good cosmetics that will be pleased to use, which has delicious and thin smells, then choose the highest quality components for it. This not only increases self-esteem and "value" means, but also effectiveness at times, checked more than once on their own experience! :)

What do you need a body scrub

The body scrub exfoliates the skin, makes it smoother, softens the coarse areas of the skin (elbows, heels, knees). The worker is necessarily used before applying the auto market - then it lies more evenly and comes out evenly. And scrubs for the body are required before anti-cellulite procedures (wraps, masks, oil and mixtures) - as it activates blood supply, cleanses the skin and penetration of the active components is enhanced on the skin cleaned scrub. And the scrub for the body is just a pleasant cosmetic, which improves the mood and configuring weight loss!

And my recipe with essential oil of bitter orange also strengthens female sensuality))

Recipe Slabo for Body "Coffee Mood"

30 grams of freshly ground coffee

30 grams of cane sugar

30 grams of olive oil

10 grams of vanilla extract

Bitter orange essential oil (I add it 2%, it is 2 ml per 100 grams of scrub)

Sugar-vanilla body scrub

A little about the components.

Ground coffee - To get a fragrant body scrub, it is best to use freshly ground coffee. Moreover, you can smash it more larger or beddown, how more like it. Ground coffee in vacuum packages has too small grinding and not such a bright wicked smell, IMHO.

Olive oil - any olive oil from the supermarket suitable, choose what you like more, it is better if it is unrefined and not too thick.

Cane sugar - from "economical" options, I can recommend "Demrar" Mistral Mark, from more refined - more fragrant "musculosuda" Austrian MARAP. Reed sugar contains a high number of trace elements and a special warm smell, ideally combined with spices and vanilla.

Vanilla extract - I used food natural vanilla extract, it is brown and very fragrant. You can make vanilla extract yourself, but you can buy in the supermarket, just watch the label carefully so that there is only alcohol and vanilla (very often the essences of vanilla made from glycerin, caramel dye and synthetic vanillin are sold.

In aromatherapy, the sweet and warm flavor of Vanilla soothes emotions and gives joy, leads to a good arrangement of the spirit, gives energy and eliminates accumulated fatigue. But it swings only natural vanilla (not vanillina).

Gorky orange essential oil - has a lymphodic effect, displays a liquid, and simply has a stunning citrus aroma, more complex and rich than the essential oil of an orange, with a tart mustard. For women, the terrestrial orange essential oil increases sensuality and is used in erotic aroma mixes))

Step-by-step preparation instructions

1. We take a blender and coffee beans. It is possible to use and a coffee grinder for grinding, but I don't have it, most often I do everything blender.

Sugar-vanilla body scrub

2. Periodically check the degree of grinding grains. Here too large pieces are too large, they are not suitable for scrub.

Sugar-vanilla body scrub

3. And here just right, perfect grinding for body scrub))

Sugar-vanilla body scrub

4. Mix all components from the recipe (they are visible in the photo). The ideal consistency of the scrub (which you like it is) can be achieved by adding more bulk components (coffee, sugar) for luxurious, or olive oil for a more fluid consistency. When everything is perfect, at the end, add essential oil of bitter orange. And all mix with the usual spoon.

Sugar-vanilla body scrub

5. Here is the texture of the body scrub I turned out. It's thick, with a delicious invigorating aroma of freshly brewed coffee, vanilla and bitter citrus.

Sugar-vanilla body scrub

6. Put the body scrub in a jar. I do not preserve it, because I keep such a scrub 1 week, and for the next time I use a new recipe. Especially since such a number of scrub is grabbed 1-2 times (for the whole body). From the jar it is better to take the scrub with dry hands or a spoon, and I keep it in the bathroom.

Sugar-vanilla body scrub

Sugar-vanilla body scrub

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