How to make floral furniture with your own hands


And what about this season is fashionable in the garden? One of the trendy trends of the garden is "flower furniture".

How to make floral furniture with your own hands

Try to realize it, and in your garden will appear "the thing that everyone says about." At the same time make it easy and simple! To do this, you will need real old furniture: bedside tables, tables, wardrobes, chairs.

Do not throw old things, you can make excellent ornaments for the garden.

First of all, it is wealth first need to decorate. The best options - either bright coloring, or "range": to make crackers, simulate the loud paint or an old fresco. After that, the selected furniture items are picturesquely exhibited on the recreation site, the boxes of cabinets are put forward, and flowers are planted. In the tabletops of the tables simply drink the jigsaw holes in which pots will be inserted with flowers.

But especially beautiful floral chairs! Here's how to make a similar chair:

1. Put the skew on the seat of the chair and circle a pencil. A pencil line cut the pubescom or sawing hole in the seat.

2. Insert the sieve into the hole and so that it is a good "village", knock on the edges of the hammer.

3. Type the gold paint on the sponge (a piece of the washcloth) and "walk" in some places on the surface of the chair. This will achieve the effect of "noble aging."

How to make floral furniture with your own hands

4. Purchase a layer of 3 cm in the sieve, fill it with soil and plant bright annual flowers, such as petunia.

You can plant flowers in a frazzle or simply put a container with flowers in it if it roughly corresponds to the diameter of the sol. The effect will be the same, in addition, the flowers can be periodically changed, and every time the chair will look different!

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