Fashion embroidery method


Oh, how I want to diversify work sometimes. And we, then sew beads, we use decorative stitches.

Here I will tell about one of them. This stitch is some kind of Turkish stitch, but I do it without a clip.

I take kissing Moulin and a thick needle. I start to embroider the desired location with the loops of the desired height, in this case, about 7mm. According to the drawing on the print or your idea, the flower of the thread would have a good change. You can mix threads of different shades in one pass.

Fashion embroidery method

Fashion embroidery method

After all the elements are embroidered, we are armed with sharp scissors and make a curly haircut with your loops. Look at the drawing and level strings according to it. Somewhere in short, somewhere longer.

Fashion embroidery method

Fashion embroidery method

Fashion embroidery method

Fashion embroidery method

In the same way, individual elements of the bouquet can be performed, to make a fur animal, the middle of the colors.

Fashion embroidery method

Fashion embroidery method

Fashion embroidery method

Simple and effectively. Create with pleasure!

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