Make Fetra Flowers


I want to offer you a master class on making such colors. Applications It is possible to find many: brooches, decor of children's headgear, sticking for curtains, hairpins and I think your fantasy will tell you not yet one dozen options.

Make Fetra Flowers

For their manufacture, we will need:

Make Fetra Flowers

1. Soft Korean felt with a thickness of 1 mm (do not use p / sh Spanish for several reasons: wool allergies, piling very quickly (roll)

2. Hat gum 2 - 2.5 mm (its length will depend on the thickness of the hair of your baby) approximately 10 -20 cm.

3. The self-describing marker is needed to transfer patterns. Of course you can use another tool convenient to you or way.

4. Decor, I used a button with rhinestones.

5. Scissors (+ curly, but you can do without them).

6. Glue. I recommend the adhesive gun.


1. Draw on felt 6 circles with a diameter of 6 - 9 cm (choose arbitrarily)

In the photo circles = 80 mm is equal to the diameter of the finished pinch.

And 1 circle approximately = 1/2

The photo of the felt sheet is 200 * 275 mm.

Make Fetra Flowers

2. I cut all the circles. If you desire a small circle cut out figure scissors.

Make Fetra Flowers

3. Apply a drop of glue into the center of the Big Circle

Make Fetra Flowers

4. We fold exactly in half. Cools very quickly cool and hardens therefore you need to do it operational, as well as all subsequent operations with glue.

Make Fetra Flowers

5. Again a drop of glue and now you need to visually divide this folded in half to 3 parts and folded 1/3

Make Fetra Flowers

Make Fetra Flowers

6. turns the part and again a drop of glue and fold

Make Fetra Flowers
Make Fetra Flowers

We repeat these manipulations with the remaining 5 billets

Make Fetra Flowers

6. In a small circle, we make 5 mm incisions in the center and insert a hat with a gum (do not make a knot, additional thickness should not be)

Make Fetra Flowers

7. We apply glue only half. I already wrote that glue hardly hardens, so this is to avoid solidification.

Make Fetra Flowers

8. Gently, not in a hurry we put on the glue slices for the salt

Make Fetra Flowers

9. Now we apply glue onto the second half and collect flower to the end

Make Fetra Flowers
Make Fetra Flowers

10. A drop of glue into the most center and impose very carefully decor (buttons). There should not be made from the buttons.

Make Fetra Flowers

Now we admire our work and delight the beauty of the daughter of the new


Make Fetra Flowers
Make Fetra Flowers

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