Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira


Making a canna flower from Foamyran | Fair Masters - Handmade, Handmade

Cannes is a very beautiful and unusual flower, I suggest you make a hair clip with Cannes using a very practical material - Foamiran, Fom or French.

I made a twig of two buds and four opened flowers.

To work, you will need: adhesive gun, wire No. 24, floristic tape tape, red oil paint, a sponge to apply the paint, scissors and a yellow color (or other one by your choice).

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

From Thomas, you need to cut 6 parts of the petals below the numbers 1-3, four parts by patterns 4-6.

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

I worked without an iron, just folded every petal into the tube, and then put out, giving the shape with my fingers.

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

Attention! Petals at number 2 need to give a shape as in the photo:

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

The edges are processed, slightly stretching it in different directions:

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

We put on a sponge oil paint and toning petal petal.

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

Wire bend, so that it turns out half rings and glue as in the photo, the first two petals opposite each other, the third with the edge.

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

It turns out we have only six unscrewd buds, two of which are left, and four you need to turn into open flowers.

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

We take more petals 4, 5, 6 , photo shows The order of assembly!

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira


Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

Here it turned out the opened flower :)

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

Next, it is necessary to wind up every wire teep-ribbon, capturing the base of the flower and collect a branch from two unscrewd buds.

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

I will mount the flowers on the clamp.

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

I do it with the help of the same Teip-tape to make it easier to wear a cap from the handle right on the base of the hairpin.

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

That's what I did. Fastening durable and glue is not necessary! Flowers on the wire, so every flower can be given the desired direction for greater beauty! I will be very glad to your comments!

Making a Cannes Flower from Foamira

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