Family tree on the whole wall


The genealogical tree is very simple for the whole wall. So simple that, probably, would have enough one interesting photo of the result, to understand how to do it. So while we are with a photo with a hazard, and admire a completely outsider of a genealogical tree that has no relation to the article. But very original. Just to stretch the pleasure and expand the horizons.

Family tree on the whole wall

Well, now, also in order to stretch the pleasure, let's talk about the word "genealogy". Or you can immediately go to the end of the article and look at how you can make a genealogical tree on the whole wall.

So, genealogy is the study of the preceding generations. And comes from the Greek word "genos" - origin.

In turn, this proto-indeside-European word led to the emergence of such words as the words "generator", "genius" as a smart person, "genius" as a genie, acting, "generation" - generation (remember Roman Generation P). Whatever enough, from the same word, the word "nation" takes place - by simple transformations in various languages. And also, very likely, the word "Gnostics" - knowledge (something type "generated") and the name of the emotion antagonism (literally against birth).

Here is such a productive, the word "Genos" turned out.

Well, finally the promised genealogical tree on the whole wall - near:

Family tree on the whole wall

And from afar.

Family tree on the whole wall

Please note: if your descendants decide to continue this genealogy tree, then they will have a huge field for creativity - the genealogical tree is easily moving to the ceiling, and then on the opposite wall.

So, the genealogical tree on the whole wall is really easy!

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