Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls


Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, forms and swirls | Fair Masters - Handmade, Handmade

Not so long ago, an individual order was received from a long-standing girlfriend with a request to make a natural soap from scratch in the form of a bar with all sorts of decorations and a mandatory ingredient - a chamber. It was necessary to use a chamber in soap in all its manifestations (decoction, dried set, infus, essential oil). Girlfriend, a very zero amateur with scratch, always worried about the question, how can I cook it. And I decided to make a photo report for her, well, and then the thought appeared and the master class appeared, suddenly someone would come in handy.

Soap we will cook with a hot way and beat.

So, our recipe for 700 gr. Oils.

  • Basic oils:

- coconut oil - 25% - 175 grams

- Palm tree oil - 25% - 175 grams

- Shea oil - 10% - 70 gr

- Olive oil - 15% - 105 grams

- Castabre info (olive) - 10% - 70 gr

- Macadamia oil - 5% - 35 grams

- wheat germs oil - 5% - 35 gr

- Rape oil - 5% - 35 gr

  • Alkali NaOH - 102.28 Gy + 7x0,6 + 7x0,36 = 109.00 gr
  • Castabre decoction - 38% - 266 grams
  • Surgery Insurers - 1%, added - 8% - Macadamia oil - 56 grams.
  • Milk Acid 1% - 7 gr., Lemonic acid1% ​​- 7 gr.
  • Dry Cabin leaves - 2-3 tbsp. Spoons
  • Castabre essential oil 3% - 21 grams.
  • Sorbitals - 1 tbsp. Spoon (for thinning soap mass)
  • Pigment dye - red.

1. Pre-cool, and it is better to freeze the decoction of the thyme.

2. Grind dry leaves of the chastard in a coffee grinder, which will serve as a light scrub.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

3. Weigh and wind solid oils in a water bath.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

4. We are weighing alkali and decoction of the thyase. Do not forget about safety technicians (gloves, glasses, respirator, clothing).

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

5. In small portions, add alkali to the liquid. We carefully mix, not allowing the strong heating of the alkaline solution. When the solution acquires transparency, add citric acids and lactic acids. Lemon to pre-dissolve.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

6. When solid oils melted, remove the container from the water bath and add liquid. When the alkali solution and oil temperatures are the same, about 40 degrees, mix them. Through the corticle, add a solution into oil so that the insoluble particles of alkali do not fall into the mass.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

7. Then with the help of a blender mix the mass to a light trail.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

8. We close the capacitance with a lid and put on a water bath for about 3 hours.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

9. The mass passes the step of gel and darkest. Periodically prevent 1 time per hour for uniform warming up.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

10. While our soap is cooked, prepare the shape, we swell it with a trash or paper for baking (parchment).

Form, by the way, homemade, wooden and very comfortable, because One end wall is removable (thanks to a big husband who bought the boards and made two forms on my size literally for the evening). It turned out very profitable - 2 forms no more than 100 rubles. Such removable walls can be done somewhat and insert them along the length of the bar in the right place, while making 2-3 types of soap with different patterns and swirls. Yes, the more good wooden shape, it is perfectly holding heat.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

11. Prepare in advance decorations - roses, leaves, petals. At the Fair of Masters, there are many master classes for the manufacture of soap colors, where glcerin for plasticity mass is added in the soap base. I have my own recipe, I add divorced gelatin (per 100 grams. Basics of 1-2 tbsp. Gelatin).

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

12. After 3 hours, we remove the container from the water bath and add surger, herbs, sorbitol, essential oil. We mix well and divide into 2 parts.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

13. In one piece add liquid pigment dye, very convenient in use, it is not necessary to dilute, rub ...

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

14. Next, beat every part with a mixer. The mass increases in volume and becomes magnificent and air, and the color is more tender and light.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

15. Then lay the whipped masses in the prepared form.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

16. With the help of a tablespoon, we make a swirl, I call them a flipper. Spoon turn the lower part of the mass to the top. And so pass throughout the perimeter of the form.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

17. Rent a form to remove excess air and take decoration. Just insert roses and leaves until the mass is still soft and warm.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

18. For the next day, we pull the bar from the form, we remove the traction and cut into the desired pieces.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

The selection is visible marble drawing!

19. Slices turned out sooo large on 225 gr., But when they get sick will be asked about 190-195 gr.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

20. Let us give our soap a more realistic look. I appline a pearl with a brush. I use satin pearl, because It is fine grinding and not so bright.

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

21. Long thought about the packaging and decided to make a square box with ribbons to the tone of the soap. In my opinion, it came out not bad!

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

Whipped soap from scratch: a little about jewelry, shapes and swirls

Well, perhaps, that's all.

The author of the work is Ekaterina Borisov.

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