Bangles with embroidery and mosaic of polymer clay


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It has long promised to make a master class on imitation cross-embroidery. I'm speaking promised)

1. Select the scheme of the future "embroidery".

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2. Cooking "canvas". To do this, we put a mesh on the polymer clay layer (I have a regular mosquito net), pre-slightly moistened with water (so that the grid does not stick to the plastic), press the roller. Watch that the grid does not move.

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3. Remove the grid. The clay remains the imprint - small cells, which resembles a real canvas.

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4. count the required number of cells. My cage for one stitch is equal to four small cells on "Canva". Cut up too much.

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5. Prepare "Threads." I use an extruder for this. It is better to take the nozzle with the smallest holes.

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6. Next, "canvas" is transferred to the blank for the bracelet. If "embroider" on a flat surface, and then finished "embroidery" transfer to a round bracelet, then "stitches" - crosses can be deformed.

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7. And now the most interesting! We apply a phimo gel to "canvas". We take the "thread" of the desired color, we place it in the cage diagonally. Cut up too much. A needle gently press the ends of the "thread" to "canvas".

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8. In the same way, we form the second half of the crossed.

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9. And then "embroider" according to the scheme. However, we take into account the important point - the "stitches" must lie in one direction.

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Product and lesson "Knitted bracelet" Author MK: Annaiona

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When viewing, I recommend choosing the quality 1080 and deploy a full screen to view all the details.

Creative success!

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Mosaic author MK: Wikapapsheva

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So, proceed.

1. Draw a scheme. You can use the finished circuit from the crossing journals.

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2. In order for the ranks of the squares to be smooth and neat, make marking. I do this to my favorite way. Rolling the layer of clay, I apply a mosquito net (pre-slightly moistened with water so as not to stick to the plastic), I press the roller. IMPORTANT! The grid at the same time should not move, otherwise the ottisk will be blurred, not clear.

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3. Remove the grid. On the clay, the imprint remained - small cells. It is very important that they will be as clear as possible, then lay out a neat mosaic will be easier. We count the right amount of cells. Cut up too much.

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4. In order for the elements of the mosaic to be the same size, we use the extruder. It is important to choose a suitable nozzle. The thickness of the extruded tube must match the width of the cell on the markup.

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5. Getting out the layout of the mosaic. Lubricate clay reservoir with a fimo-gel markup. Apply the tube, cut off the excess in the cell.

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6. And so on, according to the scheme. IMPORTANT: Mosaic elements must fit tightly to each other. There should be no gaps between them.

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7. Finished work with baked, without removing from glass. We collect the decoration (before baking, I rounded the edges with the help of a catter to give the desired shape to the pendant).

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