Salted Pattern


Materials : Single, watercolor and gouache paints, brush, salted dough, glue "PVA", colorless varnish, knife, stacks, golden stained circuit.

Step-by-step process

If you like to sculpt, you will be interested in this master class. In it, I offer the technique of making a stucco pattern from the most popular material - salted test. Make it very simple. We knead as ordinary dough and create wonders! Gifts and souvenirs made with their own hands always appreciated in the world, because they keep the part of your hands, they are original and unique.

From such a salt dough made funny figures, charms for homes. It was believed that any such snaps in the house was a symbol of wealth, well-being and prosperity in the family.

Mukosol is an old Archangel fishing, which is at least four hundred years. Wives Pomorov gave figures from the salty test to their husbands, departing. These funny toys warmed the soul to sailors and saved more than once from hunger, when the food ended.

1. To transfer the picture you like.

Salted Pattern

2. Prepare salted dough.

Salted Pattern

Salted Dough Preparation Recipe : 2 glasses of sifted flour, 1 cup of shallow salt (non-iodined), 1 incomplete glass of water, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. All components mix, put in cellophane kulok and leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour. After that, you can sculpt from the test.

Helpful advice . If you have a dough left after classes, it can be saved, putting it in a plastic bag or in a plastic container in the refrigerator. If after that the dough will replete and become wet, it must be cooled well, add a little flour and reproduce again.

3. We will create a stucco picture. We will have the volume, ears, eyes, tail, paws, cat cheeks and basket with roses. We start with Cotton Cotley. We take the dough, smear in the hands and sculpt from it the right form of the cat. In order to keep the dough well on the board, wet the place under the dough with PVA glue. After drying, glue becomes invisible. To impart irregularities on the test we use a knife.

Salted Pattern

4. In the same way, they scratch all the details of the cat.

Salted Pattern

5. Begin to sculpt roses. You can make them flat, twisting the spiral flagella.

Salted Pattern

They will turn out here. You can flatten the sausage from the dough, roll like roset.

Salted Pattern

It turns out a volumetric flower.

Salted Pattern

6. From the test strips form a color basket. We make stripes to give the shape of weaving baskets. Clear petals of colors.

Salted Pattern

7. The craft is driving in room conditions for 2 to 3 days.

8. Getting painting. Prayer with watercolor and gouashe colors. We use gold stained glass windows for decorating colors.

Salted Pattern

9. Cover the craft of varnish. Varnish not only gives the brilliance and completeness of the product, it protects it from moisture and crumbling. For varnishing products use transparent varnish. It is necessary to lacken the painted products - under the protective layer of varnish, paint will not be sprinkled, crumble, pain your hands and fading.

You can compare with a sample on a postcard.

I give you Mukosol to be bread and salt.

Salted Pattern

10. Possible work options:

Salted Pattern

Salted Pattern

Salted Pattern

11. Works of students.

Salted Pattern

A source

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