Restoration and polishing of furniture


Thanks to modern compositions and tools, the furniture restoration is possible with their own hands, especially if it got from the grandmother, and is a valuable memory. Restore the initial view of the cabinet, table or chair can be possible by restoration and polishing

Polished furniture can be updated, if over time she fell and swept. Before you begin to polish with your own hands, think about your capabilities and make sure you have everything you need for it. If you are not sure about your abilities, then trust the work of professionals who will give your furniture the original gloss and flavor. During operation, be sure to follow safety, use glasses, respirators, gloves and other protection, since substances for polishing furniture contain harmful substances

Polishing is preferably not in a closed room, but in air to reduce the concentration of harmful vapors and quickly remove the caustic smell. If there is no opportunity to work on the street, it is worth doing the following: provide in the room the maximum ventilation, remove the furniture, close the floor with paper or film.

Restoration and polishing of furniture

Preparatory stage to furniture restoration

Before proceeding directly to polishing and restoration of furniture with their own hands, preparatory work should be carried out:

    • Inspect the furniture for cracks and chips;
    • disguise the cracks with a special putty, strengthen furniture items if they lost integrity and loosened;
    • Remove all existing handles;
    • Clean the entire surface of the furniture using the acidified water or solvent vinegar;
    • Wash everything with clean water and give, as it should, dry;
  • Remove the old paint with special means or caustic soda solution.

When the old paint and varnish are removed, the most basic procedures begin, on the quality of which the final result depends. After removing the paint, the furniture becomes cravive, to correct this defect and giving smoothness, handle the wooden parts of large sandpaper, then shallow. Grinding will allow to give furniture smoother and pleasant to the touch surface. Pores of wood after grinding are revealed and it is necessary to fill out with the means purchased in the store or made independently from the burned gypsum. The composition is rubbed only by circular motions in various directions, after which it is thoroughly dried.

Restoration and polishing of furniture

Polishing furniture

There are several compositions for applying polishing, the choice of which depends on the tree rock, from your preferences and tasks to be solved. The economical polishing option is a special wax or varnish, if the furniture is expensive or antiques, it is more advisable to apply the shellahny politicum. The oil polishing method can also be used, but in contrast to other types requires regular update, since the oil has the property gradually washed off. Furniture polishing with flax oil, diluted turpentine mainly used for beech or oak, and apply it to its in the following way: the composition is rubbed into circular motions for a long time, until the composition stops absorbed. Furniture in this state is left for several hours and the excess oil is removed.

If wax has been chosen to finish, it should be applied on top of the composition, which filled out the pores. The composition should be soft, for which the wax is slightly melted and mixed with turpentine. The paste is superimposed on the prepared surface, dried and is carefully polished until the shine appears.

Restoration and polishing of furniture

Restoration of furniture

High-quality wood furniture can serve not one dozen years, but in the end, yet somewhat loses its original appearance and requires updating or restoration of furniture. Restoration can be done independently, if you know the basic rules and requirements for work. Before starting work, wash your furniture with soapy water and dry. Divide into the components by removing everything that is possible, including metal parts, filler, upholstery.

To work, you will need such a tool as a spatula and desirable narrow, in which stepping corners and give a rounded form. With details we remove the old coating, varnish or paint and thoroughly grinding. Next, wooden elements must be given the desired color, for which we use a special drive and leave in this form for a day. Now it remains to collect all the elements into a single whole using metal corners or joinery of the adhesive, and give the final form using primer, varnish or polishing composition

In the event that your furniture has been purchased recently and made from chipboard, MDF and other similar materials, the furniture restoration will be impossible. Update is subject to only high-quality furniture made of wood array.

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