Baths for baths with cocoa and cream


Baths for baths with cocoa and cream | Fair Masters - Handmade, Handmade

Very simple, fast and useful recipe for bath bomb, which we love to do with your son :)

Ingredients (on 4 bombs-mooring):

Soda - 4 tbsp.

Lemon acid - 2 tbsp. (pre-grind in a coffee grinder or mortar)

Dry cream - 1 tbsp.

Cocoa - 1 tsp.

Cocoa oil - 1 tsp.

Fonduce - a few drops

1) Prepare the ingredients.

Baths for baths with cocoa and cream

2). Mix dry ingredients. The mixture acquires a light beige shade.

Baths for baths with cocoa and cream

3) add oil

Baths for baths with cocoa and cream

4) add avenge:

Baths for baths with cocoa and cream

5) Mix quickly, thoroughly rubbing in the fingers.

6) Check for readiness, squeezing in a fist of a small lump. If not crumbling - the mixture is ready.

Baths for baths with cocoa and cream

7) We take a suitable mold and tightly pinch it with a mixture, thicker.

Baths for baths with cocoa and cream

8) turn over, the bomb is ready.

Baths for baths with cocoa and cream

This number of the mixture was enough for 4 such mooring.

Let them take some time to rest and finally harden, after which they can be used.

Baths for baths with cocoa and cream

Baths for baths with cocoa and cream

I wish you a pleasant stay!

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