We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep


We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

The author of the work is a story with the nodules (Elwa Elzabeth).

I do not know how you are, dear readers, and I already have a New Year's mood. And I really want to make pleasant symbolic trivia, additions that create an atmosphere of the holiday. About one of these supplements - lamb-magnets - and there will be this master class.

So, for the manufacture of simple, but very stylish magnets with a symbol of next year, we will need:

  • Cardboard is dense, better corrugated;
  • scissors;
  • glue universal transparent;
  • twine;
  • kraft paper;
  • magnetic tape;
  • pencil and paper or printed drawing;
  • Feltolsters: black and brown.

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

Can also come in handy:

  • glue stick;
  • Stationery knife or manicure scissors.

The most difficult-reach of the list is a magnetic tape. I was lucky to buy it in the construction department of the supermarket. However, it turned out, it is found in construction and economic departments.

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

Well, proceed.

We take a pencil and paper and turn on fantasy. We draw our lamb. Or we can find a suitable picture and simply print.

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

I painted, it turned out such a little animal:

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

We carry the drawing to the cardboard. It is enough just to carefully circle the contours. I immediately outlined a pencil outline of the face and ears. So it's prettier and easier to execute.

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

Cut our lamb. Here the stationery knife or manicure scissors can come in handy - what you are more convenient. Ordinary large scissors can damage, flicker corrugated cardboard on the one hand, which is not too beautiful.

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

Now we take the twine, in my case, jute, and cut it into pieces of arbitrary length.

And twist each piece as follows

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

The main thing is to hold firmly, the resulting "snail" so that it does not fall apart. I recommend to make them one - one twisted, proceed to the next step, and then we twist the next one.

And the next step is simple - we glue our twine "snail" to a cardboard basis on any transparent universal glue.

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

And so cool the twine and glue until all the lamb is filled.

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

Curls can be of one size or different, the material may not be completely sword. And even curls can be slightly painted from above, for example, gold paint. In general, fantasize, options can be as much as you like!

Then, when the glue will dry, draw a facet. Sheep without eyes, ears and nose is not very similar to the lamb.

I recommend it to shock the sidewall, so to speak, the thickness of the future magnet - it gives the accuracy of the finished product and makes it stronger, since the closed edge will deform less.

We glue to the invalid side kraft paper. Also for a neat look. I glued to ordinary adhesive pencil. You can not glue at all if you have a sprinkle look good. Or glue colored paper. Or also wrapped with twine. I liked the option with kraft paper.

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

And now the main magic! What will turn an incomprehensible purpose on the magnet!

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

We glue a magnetic tape. My tape on one side has glue on one side, you only need to pull the film, as with bilateral tape. But I do not trust this glue too much, so the edges of the magnet rushing all the same universal glue.

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

Actually, everything. Enjoy the resulting lambs and think to give them!

We make stylish New Year's magnets in the form of sheep

Coffee lamb is simply an option for design. Instead of twine "snails", the grain of coffee is glued. This is to push your fantasy again.

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