Anti-MK for "kettles" who are afraid of point mural


Author MK - Olga Yu: Gifts to the point.


Many of my friends admire the technique of point painting, but they are afraid to even take it, because they think that it is terribly hard and painstaking. At the request of such a boyak, I prepared a MK with azami point, but ... the truth they say, they will hurry - there are mockery people ... And yet everything is in order.

It was night. I looked around in search of an item that can be soaked. (This funny word came up with my mom - a passionate fan of points. So I did not find anything better, like a computer mouse.

Already at this stage, I realized that it would be anti-MK, because my old soappet did not want to do normal photos during electrical lighting. Respectively,

Tip 1 - Do not prepare MK at night and with an old camera.

That's how my soapbox reflected the materials that I use for Point-to-Point. On the yellow tray - the main characters are the bulk contours (the parents of the points :).


Tip 2 - in point painting can not be saved on parents (points), that is, on the contours.

I personally recently stopped at the contours of the company "Tair" (contours for glass and ceramics) and decola (combination of normal price and quite decent quality). Although I look at the photo in the bottom row (first left), the contour of Marabu was shifted, but they don't really like them - they have excellent colors, but the tube itself is fat (after 10 points you get tired pressed and points are not the same). In general, I would not I did not want to argue with a smart look that such a manufacturer is good, and such something is bad, because for me for me, when choosing materials, such moments are important: the quality of paint in the tube and convenience in hand (I do not say about the price). The quality of contours is almost all of all known manufacturers (which can be found in hobby stores or art salons) - quite suitable for point painting (at least for beginners).

What does it mean to me - a bad outline ?!: This means that it is liquid and spread when you put the point and it turns out no point, but such a neat, but the spot instead of the bulk plump dot (although if someone likes neat specks ... So, the speks are perfectly obtained by the contours of the company "Gamma" (cheap, but ... specks .. but cheap.

Tip 3 - choose contours like it, or rather by hand (take, hold, to keep it nice).

And pay attention to the spout (tip) - I love thin, like Tairovskiy and Decola, and Marabou - just a nozzle is fat (but again someone as you like - can someone fan of big points :). And besides The stores have such a thing as a metal tip (great thing and will just save in cases. If the contour likes, but the spout is fat)

Next - Sponge for washing dishes and wet wipes.


What is the sponge: put a few points - wiped the tip about the sponge, otherwise the contours will smear ... I do not know how else to explain it, but put 20 points in a row and you will understand what I mean. Then this fooling into the sponge will be on the machine.

Finally, anti-material - wet wipes. Officially, the surface must be degreased by alcohol using a tampon (I correct the glasses on the nose, but I wipe my clothes with children's wet napkins (and nothing later falls off - tested time. In addition, they are terribly comfortable during operation - the pattern did not go there - quickly wiped A wet napkin. By the way, if the pattern went not there - newcomers would better wait until all this dry and remove unnecessary points, for example, by the stationery knife (I personally use a scalpel for these purposes).

So, to the case ... less words - more photos. Getting to the most simple, but spectacular pattern in the form of concentric circles

We wipe the mouse with wet napkins and put some thick points on the surface (to get fat dots - let's give a little stronger than usual). These will be the centers of our circles.


Colors choose as desired (I took 2 species of purple, red metallic, gold and white). And now our fat points begin to surround smaller points in a circle, trying to put them at such a distance from each other so that they do not merge


Now these circles surround another points.

On the second bottom of the circle (which in the center of the mouse) shows that I hurried - the golden points merged - put them too close (I left them especially for anti MK). We continue to circle the circles, changing colors until it turns out something like this.

Outline went to photo

Something like that....

And one more photo - along with the computer (now they do not look together: the computer is a decoupage, the mouse - at points, something is probably more superfluous. It's time to remake the laptop cover.

Anti-MK for


From above, I never cover my work with a lack of work - the lacquer snaps between points in the form of influxes - ugly. The contours dried quickly - now I already work with this mouse, and after 21 days (according to the instructions) - try to tear off, (I only burn the glasses in the oven, and then only when they need to urgently give newlyweds). The firing simply accelerates the process that the week is naturally completed after 3 ... by itself.

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