Round Wire Earrings


Round Wire Earrings

Jewelry woven from high-quality wire looks no worse than decorations of precious metals, and it will be much cheaper.

Light, round jewelry wire earrings with woven beads can serve as a worthy replacement of silver jewelry. Earrings are made in mixed techniques of wires and wires.

In order to "make it" to make "such earrings at home, it will take a wire (0.6 mm or a little more diameter), a thin wire for beading, round-rolls, nippers, twins and a large beads.

Let's start with a round basis. To do this, you can use any girlfriend, such as a bubble with glue, medicine or nail polish. The main condition so that the bubble is a circular section. Let's make one round jewelry wire around the bubble, it does not need to cut off the wire from the main coil. Then make 3 turns of the short end of the wire around the other. Excessive wire bite nippers for wire.

How to make Round Wire Earrings

Now bite a long end, while we leave a small "tail" and using the round-rolls twist it in the loop. It turned out the basis for the earrings.

How to make Round Wire Earrings

Now bite two pieces of 5 cm long. Ends of each piece with the help of the round-rolls twist the spirals so that it turns out such a curl.

How to make Round Wire Earrings

Working with the round-rolls, one should not "intercept" wire too often, and also to press it. Since it is possible to scratch its outer shell, which will spoil its appearance. Do not use the wire again, i.e. If the item did not work from the first time, it is better not to redo it from the same piece of wire, it is also reflected in the "product" form of the product.

Now we will make another round base and one curl.

How to make Round Wire Earrings

Next, we begin to bring the curl of the wire to the inside of the round base with a thin wire. At the same time, alternate the turn around the curls, the turn around the base and the turn around two parts together. It is possible to alternate weaving eight (the turn around the curls in one direction, and around the base in the other) with a turn around both parts. Such types of weaving allows the most firmly to connect the details of the earrings among themselves and create a beautiful artistic effect.

How to make Round Wire Earrings

The wire must be tightly adjacent to the details so that the curl is "not walked" inside the base.

How to make Round Wire Earrings

On the other side of the foundation, make 6 turns of thin wire, add beery on the 7th turn, then we make 8 turns, add the next bisper, again 8 turns, beerin and end with the 6th twists.

How to make Round Wire Earrings

Ready earring I put on Schwenza.

Round Wire Earrings

We make the second earring.

Round Wire Earrings

Our exercise is ready.

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