Feling bags of wool


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Today I will review Wet felting bag master class.

We will create a rolling of wool bags for carrying a belt belt with a magnetic lock. Therefore, the master class can also make covers for a variety of things.


So, what we need to felting:

  • Wool 100 gram
  • Film with bubbles
  • Grid from Capron
  • Liquid or ordinary soap
  • Massage instrument
  • Rag
  • Gloves
  • Vibro machine (grinding). If this is not terrible.
  • Scissors
  • Magnetic castle
  • Laminate laying pattern

www.arti-box.com Wet Wet Bags Wet Fluff

Establish a way to felting bags

We sort the wool into small pieces and lay out on the template evenly with a small intersection between them.

www.arti-box.com Wet Wet Bags Wet Fluff

We begin the layout along the edges in a circle, make widespread wool in the middle, and narrow outwards.

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After that, lay the middle. We begin to lay out the second layer for wool bags wet fooling. You should get a woolen pillow.

www.arti-box.com Wet Wet Bags Wet Fluff

Our workpiece is covering the grid. Since that Wet felting , we water the soapy solution at the same time, pressing, accelerate water to the edges.

www.arti-box.com Wet Wet Bags Wet Fluff

Surchase the top layer and make sure that everything is evenly, without holes and depressions. If you find irregularities, then wool go there.

www.arti-box.com wet felting bag master class

Now the resulting mass for Bag Flaws need to be sealing. We do it with your hands, but with a grid. It will take 5 minutes, the main thing is to periodically raise the grid, whatever it is in wool. Approach only the template, you do not need from the edges.

www.arti-box.com wet felting bag master class

You can use the vibro type. To do this, remove the grid, pave a film with bubbles and start sealing from 5 to 7 seconds throughout the plane. In the edges do not need.

www.arti-box.com wet felting bag master class

Our product (layout) is moving between films.

www.arti-box.com wet felting bag master class

Beaging the edges that remained on the template for points. The first layer is laid wet wool without bumping. The second our layer on the template does not climb out the framework.

www.arti-box.com wet felting bag master class

www.arti-box.com wet felting bag master class

Then we water, pressing the handles. Then again we use the vibration machine. I turn over.

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The template has time to pull the allowance, pay attention to the corners.

www.arti-box.com wet felting bag master class

Cover, we are sealing a vibration machine, turn over. We decorate the lid under the nettle.

www.arti-box.com wet felting bag master class

We start high-quality wipe. We use a vibro machine. I stroke in gloves and three through the grid wool, then continue the same without the grid. The design is paying close attention. Along the fibers begin to iron. Sealing seams. Top wool, or rather a layer, should take it. Woolen fibers over time are intertwined with each other, and become a homogeneous mass.

www.arti-box.com Wet Fluff Bags

www.arti-box.com Wet Fluff Bags

Turn on the massager, stroking on the surface by paying attention to the seams.

www.arti-box.com Wet Fluff Bags

Then you should roll into the roll and roll in each direction for 20 times. As if from different ends, at the same time turning over and spinning again. After this procedure, roll over a massager, and after your hands.

www.arti-box.com Wet Fluff Bags

Finally, the felting of the wool slept, seal on the template. It is time to make holes under the castle.

www.arti-box.com felting bag master class

You should pull out the pattern from the water and start embedding the lock on the magnet.

www.arti-box.com felting bag master class

We look at the middle of the felted wool and make a hole, insert the first part of the castle, we dress the washer. Impretten castle mustache. Everything, the castle is ready. We will install the second part of the castle on your place where it should be.

www.arti-box.com felting bag master class

www.arti-box.com felting bag master class

I hide fastening from the castle and flatter the edges. Unlock part of the product and press with the mesh.

www.arti-box.com felting bag master class

Turn the part, bend the edges, then lay our wool and rub.

www.arti-box.com Flawing from wool bags

Extreme seams should be aligned. One hand three inside, the second level of the seams. Use the massager.

www.arti-box.com Flawing from wool bags

Begin Wet felting . Roll over in a roll or towel in different directions to thirty times. In this case, pour the soap solution if there is a need.

www.arti-box.com Flawing from wool bags

In hot water, prevent this dough. At the same time, sometimes smoking, giving the form.

www.arti-box.com Flawing from wool bags

www.arti-box.com Flawing from wool bags

In the back of the bag, we make the openings of 2Santimeters. Tear edges.

www.arti-box.com felting bag master class

For readiness, ride once again. Then we clap cold and warm water. In the towel dry out. A rolling pin comes to the rescue, spending the surface through the towel.

www.arti-box.com felting bag master class

www.arti-box.com felting bag master class

Bag attach her shape and put it dry. When our Baby Bag dryhes, it's worth noting.

www.arti-box.com felting bag master class

www.arti-box.com felting bag master class

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