How to sew fur headphones


In the cold season, when heat and comfort appreciated in clothes much more of its unusualness and originality, you can combine these qualities.

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Not all people love to wear a cap, but in order to keep their heads in warm, you can replace the cap with fur headphones. Such headphones are easy to sew their own arms from artificial / natural fur.

Fur headphones will not save from winter jellows, from the chilling wind, but in the offseason they can be simply indispensable. It is possible to make fur headphones very quickly, in just 2-3 hours, and they will serve the entire autumn before the onset of real cold weather and and in the spring of April, April will help to wait.

So, what we need:

1) old headphones (since I was not old, I bought inexpensive new)

2) Natural or artificial fur

3) scissors and cutter (blade)

4) threads and needle

5) For the basics of headphones woolen or x / b threads, or you can buy ready-made knitwear.

6) Velcro for cleaning clothes

7) and of course a good mood

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From headphones cut off all unnecessary wires.

I rid of the rod with woolen threads. For those who do not know how to knit, you can buy a piece of knitwear and cover them with the basis of headphones. (You can also use the sleeve from the old sweater)

Then you need to measure the diameter of the headset, I came out 6 cm. Hercuitim on the skin of the circles with a diameter of 8 cm, a total of 4 circles.

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Corrently cut with a sharp cutter or blade. Here you need to be extremely attentive, so as not to cut the fur yourself, we cut only the skin.

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Circles fold the front side to each other and sew half.

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Then we turn and wear on the headphone

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Gentively do up to the end, so that there is no thread seen.

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The same is done with the second earphone.

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And voila, headphones are ready. That's what I did!

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And some more photos of headphones for inspiration!

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