Storage ideas for home


How often we are faced with the problem of littering free space in our house. We understand that to create comfort, you need to fold all your things "on the shelves" and well if there are suitable places for this. Then nothing is scattered, does not interfere and is at once, as soon as such a need arises. We offer you a selection of wonderful Storage ideas for home.

Beauty of the interior and convenience - how to combine?

Storage ideas

Use the mailbox in order to place on it, for example, receipts or just hang keys.

Storage ideas

Various small things are stationery, household trivia - conveniently stored in stylish vases or cups.

Storage ideas

It is very convenient to place things that rarely use in specially equipped facilities in the attic.

Storage ideas

The original idea of ​​storing sewing supplies is desirable to always be sorted by groups of use and store separately - for example, in special suitable containers. So you can always find them quickly, nothing is confused and not lost.

Storage ideas

Equip the retractable shelves with many separate sections of different sizes - for example, under technical devices and mobile phones, accessories for them. Such ideas of storing mobile equipment will be especially useful if there is a small child in the house, because such a box can be equipped with a key.

Storage ideas

Shoe box is a very useful thing for seasonal storage. Remember how often we think where to fold the winter shoes in the summer, and at the same time, so that it is stored in a normal position.

Storage ideas

Animal lovers often face a solution to the problem where to fold feed feed for a pet. There is a very practical advice - retractable shelves under furniture can serve as an excellent storage. Excellent storage idea to equip such shelves in a wide windowsill.

Storage ideas

Kitchenware can be stored not only in the kitchen table boxes, for this you can choose a more original method - for example, in glass containers of a suitable size.

Storage ideas

If you equip the cabinet door with a special attachment with many pockets - there you can store various household trivia, which are always needed at hand. This idea is perfect for storing toys in the nursery.

Storage ideas

Use the entire space for useful storage - for example, place under the stairs.

Storage ideas

Bathroom supplies can be not only need, but also part of the interior disise. To do this, we advise you to use the most non-standard solutions.

Storage ideas

If you are interested in sewing or needlework, you can equip a special place for this, which, among other things, can also serve as an interior decoration.

Storage ideas

Packaging of various products can be recycled for storing small stationery or household trifles.

Storage ideas

Add to a discrete interior of tenderness and comfort will help children's drawings and crafts, in the special place allotted for this. So you can play with the child in the "Leave me a message."

Storage ideas

The order in the nursery is a thing from the discharge of science fiction. But you can teach a child to order if it is for this to create all the conditions for this - that is, to make the most equip the shelf with the tanks of various colors, sizes and configurations.

Storage ideas

Find a remote from the TV is always a problem. But if you build a special small shelf for this and, most importantly, you will not forget them there to put it - it will not bother you anymore.

Storage ideas

The beauty of serving on the table - and not only - the dining room-dream for a real gourmet, as well as an excellent idea for storing collections of beautiful plates.

Storage ideas

To the seamstress - lovers and professionals note - each wants to have such a shelf. All at hand and immediately can be seen if something ends.

Storage ideas

The ideas of storage on the shelf - have long been invented, but under the shelf, or suspended, if there is such an opportunity - this is a novelty in the functional use of all planes.

Storage ideas

Remember that your walls are not only protecting you, but are the source of the maximum comfort storage of various things you have a convenient height and without litigation of the corners.

A source

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