Table with swings, followed by alone


The table, followed by one.

The table, followed by one.

Long conversations at the table in our time are replaced by communication in social networks and correspondence in messengers. Dutch designer decided to fight this phenomenon and developed an unusual dining table. It is impossible to sit alone behind him, and if one of the participants decides sharply to leave - the second one will hit the floor.

Table for long conversations.

Table for long conversations.

Table suitable for two only.

Table suitable for two only.

"This is a great thing for those who forget about the rules of etiquette and does not warn that it is going to leave the table," the designer smiles Marleen Jansen. . Yes, the next time this person will greatly get from friends. At this table, everyone will have to postpone mobile phones and focus on communicating.

Table with swings.

Table with swings.

The original piece of furniture is made of birch and steel. Designers dream that such tables will be equipped with integers Cafe - And then people will be able to really communicate and recognize each other.

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