St. Nicholas Day: Traditions and Rites


St. Nicholas Day: Traditions and Rites

On the evening of December 18, the Orthodox and Greek Catholics begin to celebrate the holiday of St. Nicholas, who is one of the best practices of Santa Claus.

"The cult of St. Nicholas came to our lands with the adoption of Christianity. This saint was considered the closest to God, and in the Ukrainian tradition they even equated to God," Elena Chibanyuk, Researcher, Researcher, and Ethnology of the Institute of Art Credit, Folkloristics and Ethnology F. Rylsky.

According to a specialist, in Ukraine, St. Nicholas considered the governor of God on Earth. The cult of this saint combined many ancient mythological ideas: he was respected as the main defender, merciful to all people, an assistant in any situation. "Probably there was not a single sphere in the life of an ancient Ukrainian, which would not support St. Nicholas," says E. Chibanyuk. "Up until the 20th century, on the night of December 18-19, there was a tradition" bypass "-tsoles. Under the influence of European traditions. St. Nicholas as the main benefactor was read in Western Ukraine, it lasts and today. Today, St. Nicholas Day is a feast of blessing, when they try to support the poor, poor and all those who need help. "

Legend says that sv. Nikolay helped those who needed it. They say that the family had once lived, in which there were three daughters. The Father had no money for their content and he even intended to sell girls. St. Nicholas found out about it and threw it in the window three wals with money on dowry. Since that time, a tradition appeared to make gifts to children on the day of St. Nicholas. But in Europe, where it was pretty cold, the tradition was transformed. Nikolay began to bring gifts not through the window, but through the fireplace pipe. In Ukraine, the tradition of putting gifts under the pillow or in the sneaker took place. If the child was obedient and behaved well, he found under the cushion of sweets, if there is no - Roga.

The holiday of St. Nicholas begins to celebrate on the night from 18 to December 19. According to the popular belief, it is this night that Nicholas the Wonderworker descends from heaven to Earth and helps everyone offended, poor and disadvantaged, disperses dark forces.

The people of St. Nicholas are called Nikolai Winter, Nikolai please. It is believed that Nikolai is a patron saint of marriages, as well as a defender of travelers, sailors, poor, weak and unfair convicted, and prayer for it on this day is the most effective.

Traditions of St. Nicholas Day

In Ukraine, special cookies or gingerbread cookies and gingerbreads were baked in Ukraine - "Mikolaiki" - in the form of animals, colors, angels, or Nikolaev - grandfathers with a white beard. In some recipes of this cookie, milk and eggs are present. Of course, they are prohibited during the post, but after all, "mycolatics" bake for children, and for them during the holidays made exceptions.

This holiday was waited not only by children, but also unmarried girls. Girlfriends were going on the night from 18 to December 19 and wondered on the narrowed. In addition, from December 19, the girls began to prepare for the saccasters: sewed outfits and prayed for a happy marriage.

On the day of St. Nicholas during a prayer, one big candle is set - with a prayer for the protection of all people from the troubles. After the church service, the Father arranged Bratchin - a holiday, the treats for which they bought WSYM world, in a fold.

Since St. Nicholas Day was celebrated during the Christmas post, all the dishes on the adult table were set. Pies with mushrooms, cabbage and apples used extremely popular, and premature beverages were given to beer. For the holiday of St. Nicholas, he was cooked from the barley of the new crop.

I wish you a fun holiday! And be sure to find something good under the pillow.

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