Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing


Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Master class from Eugene Haybullina.

I propose to eat and sew this handbag with braids and fermoom.

The work consists of three stages: felting, sewing braids, sewing a fermoara.

1. Foundation Fundamentals.

Experienced valves can skip this stage. And I advise newbies Wash and wear . And it does not matter whether you have good strands and even felt. The main thing is your own experience. Without it, even the most detailed master class will be useless for you. The more you roll, the more you know from the written and the more you know yourself. And the most important - Wear your things . Only then will you know if you know if your things are comfortable, whether the wool rolls into the coils until the disgrace or is worn perfectly, whether the decor is falling off, how long your slippers are worn and how your things behave when washing. This experience is priceless. Correct your actions if the result does not suit you. Such a learning method will be better in a thousand times better than to visit an unsuccessful master class, where it is taught only to throw and thermoshoke) This is what I appeal to those who have no experienced masters in the city.

Draw a template. I have it 45x40 cm. The bottom is rounded.

We decide wool in 2 layers. The first layer along the perimeter, the second across.

Pries put thin, but with a good launching on each other, so that there is no proper.

Cover the grid, water water, wash the soap.

Water I will be generously, but then I remove with microfibrous napkins, everything that can be removed, otherwise it will not be a foolishness, but washing. Just like your hair: if you wash under water - smooth and fluffy, and if we rub with soap without water, you will get the dreadlocks) soap economic, children's, olive, special. Do not use soap with dyes and fragrances, so as not to spoil your hands. I wash my hands and then the product.

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Remove the grid and correct the edge from above: We creep the ends of the wool in one line, as if the wind the grass pressed against the ground. We get a smooth edge of the thickening, if we continue to use it gently with this edge - do not pull and not to death ahead of time.

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Cover the film, press it and turn it over.

Crawd the edges. If they are dry and turn, wash your hands and put them on the center - wool sticks to the template.

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

We repeat the layout of I. D. we add fibers and other beautifulness at will.

Over the grid and slightly stroke. I turn over, bend the edges, stroking through the grid a bit.

Cover everything with a film and pupyr. Hour on a stick from the bottom up and rolling for 5 minutes. If the water was poorly removed, the roll will be loosen. In this case, ride a couple of minutes, then deploy, correct and a couple of minutes.

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Deploying, check the edges - intend them, Wrap, to be in place, without scars. Katte another 5 minutes from left to right and right left.

If everything is correct, then the wicked fibers began to crumble. The surface to the touch resembles a fabric. When stroking with hands, the fur and the fibers are not shifted from the place.

If it has been lacking, then the fur and fibers will move at hand. Remove excess water and ride more.

Remove from the template, expand the folds and spend them for a couple of minutes.

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Now neatly post as the dough, squeezing and squeezing 50 times. Ride again and spend your hands. Repeat these actions. Roll and rub more than to mive to get plastic smooth felt. Your base for the bag will decrease, the wicc fibers seem to be in wool. At this stage, newcomers and foreigners usually finish, and the Russian masters continue to fill, bringing the surface to perfect smoothness. I usually stop, but after the sewing of Kos, I will carry it back.

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

2. Sewing KS.

I recommend the foundation to rinse and dry, so as not to spoil the markup. Traces of markers and pens, applied to wet felt, can then not be disappeared. There were precedents.

Draw three lines on a bag, along which braids will be located. I draw carioca markers, they are cleaned with water. Apply markup using a template. I make templates myself. They are in my shop.

If you have no template, and I want to sew, make marking using the ruler. Set 3 cm left and right from the line at the top of the bag and 15 cm along the line down. Connect to make a cone. Spend at the bottom of the segment from the central line to the extreme. Measure the length of the segment and postpone the result up. Rent a cut to an extreme line again, set up up. Connect the beginning and end of segments as shown in the diagram below.

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

We start sewing upwards. Hide the end of the thread inside the felt and secure the knot at the end of the line. Capture felt at the other end, tighten the thread so that the end of the line is connected. On the other (facial) side forms a fold. Fight a nodder thread and go to the next line, spending a needle inside the felt. Similarly, place all lines of markup.

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

When all the braids were launched, get rid of markup. I wash off the water and put the surface and sides of the bag slightly slightly.

It remains to sew a fermoire. I have 15 cm.

I reinforce it first in four points - on the sides and in the middle of "transition" and "task". Sexing starts from the center to the edge of the stitching needle at a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the bag.

When you get to the edge, turn back and continue to sew a needle-forward needle, overlapping your empty gaps. Get to the edge, turn on and place to the center. Secure the thread and the trick is similar to the second half of the Fermoara.

Scissors or screwdriver Drink inwards inside the fermoara.

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbook is ready :)

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing

Handbag with braids and fermoom - felting and sewing


I have a fermur 15 cm in width, 22 cm around the perimeter of halves.

Pattern bag 40x45. The handbag after filling has become 28x26 (shrinkage 30% in width, 40% high) after sewing brass new size 19x18 cm. At the edges, I cut a little at an angle so that the perimeter of the opening from above was 22 cm in the size of the fermoara.

Final size of the bag: 17x15 cm, volume 8 cm.

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