Master class on creating volumetric flowers from burlap and fabrics


Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric

Original and extravagant flowers made of fabric and burlap can be used to create brooch, hairpins, wreaths and rims. These bright accessories will emphasize your individuality.

Necessary materials:

  • Burlap and flap of various fabrics.
  • Sewing machine for stitching parts (you can do and manually).
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.

Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric

Getting to work:

Cut the burlap and tissue on a strip of a width of about 5 cm, length from 12 to 30 cm, depending on the size of the future flower. Fold the resulting strips along in half and push on the typewriter, processing the edges of the overlock so that the fabric or burlap does not appear. Make transverse cuts on strips at a distance of 1.5 cm. Start gently turn the strips into a roll, forming petals. For the core, you can take a piece of fabric of bright colors or large buttons and beads. During the folding process, scroll the base of the glue strips. Watch the layers of foldable burlap tightly fit to each other.

Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric

Your decorations are ready! Flowers from burlap and fabric are perfectly combined and complement each other. Combining them, you can create a unique closer accessory.

Burlap flowers with curved petals:

Flowers from fabric

Lightweight and airflowers from burlap will become a wonderful decoration of the interior of your home. Using the burlap of different shades, you can make a variety of bouquets. The curved shape of the petals will give the natural look of colors.

What will take:

  • Sackcloth.
  • Flower wire (size number 22 or No. 24).
  • Floral tape.
  • PVA glue (you can use a hubber from starch).
  • Paint brush.
  • Scissors.

Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric

Stages of work:

1. Disseminate burlap cut on a smooth smooth surface (tile or plastic coating).

2. Apply glue on the cloth with a thick layer and let it dry for several hours. Burlakovin should become rigid.

3. Model the petals from the flower wire and the leaves you need and forms. Be sure to leave small wire tails so that then you can collect all the petals in the flower and in the bouquet.

4. Fold the resulting details with glue and apply to burlap. At the top of the petals, put some cargo (for example, books) to close and securely glue the petals to the burlap. Wait until the design is completely dry (approximately 4-5 hours).

5. Details of the highest glued to the burlap do neat with scissors. Favorite petals and leaves assemble in the original composition, twisting wire stalks.

6. Finished petals can be painted.

7. The core of the colors decorate beads to its taste.

Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric
Flowers from fabric

Such bouquets can be decorated with frames of patterns or mirrors, vases, hats or make an unusual panel of them.

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