Sand sculptures that look so natural that the eyes do not believe


Away from the cold halls of the Spanish Institute of Fine Arts Andoni Bastarrika (Andoni Bastarrika) paved his own path of the street artist.

He completely accidentally discovered his life vocation - to unite people of the force of art and imagination. Nevertheless, after 10 years of creating unmatched realistic sculptures from the sand, according to the Bastarrik himself, he continues to open what his hands are capable of, because it is the sand that he decides which form he wants to take.

We interviewed Andoni Bastarriki to learn more about his life and work as a real manifestations of the freedom of the Spirit.

He perceives the world through his hands

Sand sculptures that look so natural that the eyes do not believe

Bastarrika - self-taught sculptor. At one time he owned a fruit store, and was also a certified therapist Shiatsu. "Maybe that taught me to see the world with his hands," he said. Only in the summer of 2010, spending the day on the beach with her daughters, he discovered a talent in himself, helping them to finish the sculpture of sand.

His imagination is his inspiration

Sand sculptures that look so natural that the eyes do not believe

To create your sculptures, bastarrick collects from 500 to 1 500 kg of sand. It works basically with bare hands. He likes to feel and touch the sand. During this process, it uses an image of a future sculpture as a model, but most of its inspiration is born directly in the imagination.

At the end of the sculpture leaves from 6 to 12 hours. After that, it is either gradually demolished by the wind, or destroys the Creator himself to free the public space where it usually works.

The sand was his teacher

Sand sculptures that look so natural that the eyes do not believe

Sand sculptures that look so natural that the eyes do not believe

In most cases, the work of Bastarrika is a manifestation of humility, and not the ego. "Working with sand can be quite complicated," he says. - Especially since I work with poor-quality sand, and therefore I can not build high sculptures. But the sand was always my teacher, this is his way to teach us a lesson about the dangers of the ego and the desire to move forward too quickly. "

Destruction - freedom price

Sand sculptures that look so natural that the eyes do not believe

Unlike the idea that is often broadcast in the modern world, the destruction of these works of art symbolizes the brevity of our stay on Earth and our rapid end. "My goal is to depict freedom and hit people with universal beauty," says Bastarrik. And what is more unites people than the course of time embodied in these living sculptures?

Maybe that is why the sculptures of Bastarrikov give such an excellent feeling of liberation, because the destruction is the price that needs to pay for freedom.

What else will he have to do?

Sand sculptures that look so natural that the eyes do not believe

Bastarrika admitted that he did not know where it would lead this "adventure", just as he did not know where it came from. Despite the humility with which he approaches his work, local authorities invited the Spanish artist to create sculptures and transfer their knowledge to others at the annual seminars. They were interested even hunters for talents from the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia.

"So I look forward to new summer seminars. I like to work here with children, but I am open to work anywhere, be it Australia, Africa or Europe. "

Sand sculptures that look so natural that the eyes do not believe

Sand sculptures that look so natural that the eyes do not believe

Sand sculptures that look so natural that the eyes do not believe

Sand sculptures that look so natural that the eyes do not believe

Bastarrika asked us to convey the following: "Today it is time to create art and live peacefully, to post a simple, but happy life." What would you answer him? Do you think that art is a way to achieve happiness?

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