Tips of the real mistress


Tips of the real mistress

1. The saucepan that has burned, can be easily cleaned, baying it with a strong salt solution. After a few hours, boil it and submit from Gary.

2. It is not necessary to hurry to move the burnt food into another container. Place the burnt saucepan in cold water, and food sticks to the bottom of the dishes. Then put the good food to another dishes.

3. Do not cook grocery products in the dishes from enamel, because the porridge is burning to it.

4. If stains from fat appeared on the stove, first sprinkled them with salt, and then rub off.

5. Get rid of rust on the notes with raw potatoes and river sand.

6. So that the kitchen disappears the unpleasant smell, it is enough to heat the frying pan with a small amount of column vinegar of pole vinegar to full evaporation.

7. The crushed greenery of parsley will help to cope with the smell of onions in his arms, and with the smell of garlic - the celery greens.

8. It should be wiped with a warm salt of a pan and a pan to disappear, in order to disappear the smell of fish from this dish.

9. If the cutlery absorbed the smell of onions, soda their dry salt.

10. Do not get rid of the lemon zest: adding it into the water during the washing of dishes, it will acquire a natural shine.

11. Nickel-plated dishes are conveniently washed with water with the addition of vinegar and salt.

12. Neelastic sponge will be like new, if you dip it for a while in vinegar and rinse with warm water.

13. Remove the raid from tea or coffee can be used with a table vinegar or solution of high concentration kitchen solo.

14. Grinding onions, garlic, and herring, in the hands there is a peculiar smell. In order to get rid of it, it is enough to apply an unstantaneous solution of vinegar and to solid them.

15. If the hands were painted from work in the kitchen, wipe them with apple skin.

16. Rust with devices will remove the raw onions.

17. Also with an unpleasant smell of hands will cope with the ammonia, added to the water for washing the hands.

18. Swipe the peel of apples and pears, and the pot will return their color.

19. Coffee thickness will perfectly cope with the task of cleaning the bottle of vegetable oil.

20. The cast-iron frying pan will be clean again, if you warm it up a little and treat salt and parchment.

21. So that there are characteristic white stripes on the colors vase, dilute the water for washing with vinegar.

22. To get rid of a dark raid on a coffee pot, it is necessary to pour it with water, add a piece of lemon and boil.

23. Wooden dishes usually absorbs different odors. Wipe the dishes with warm vodka, and odor as it did not happen!

24. Eggs can leave stains on metal surfaces, remove which can be removed using a shallow salt.

25. Glass vases will gain glitter if they are washed out with warm salt water, and then cold.

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