Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone


In this master class, we will show how to make a silver clay pendant and how to add it a spectacular accent in the form of a stone / dichroic glass, making it a mandrel with a silver syringe. As usual, everything is simple and understandable!

To work, we will need:

- Clay PMC-3 or PMC FLEX (for cooling enough 4-6g)

- Clay PMC-3 Syringe syringe with nozzle

- Ceramic burner Hot Pot, Gas burner or muffle oven for firing

- texture leaf or Mold (optional)

- Clay rolling roller

- Shilo or blade

- Abrasive skin or sponge for grinding

- tube from juice (optional, but preferably)

- artificial or natural stone or dichroic glass (or any other insert that will withstand the firing)

- sulfur ointment (for blunders, optional)

- Thin brush for wetting clay

- Water.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Let's start!

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 1. Take a piece of clay and roll it into a pancake with a roller. So that the clay rolls exactly, you can use specials. Imply, the same line of line or stack of playing cards (but you can rely on the eye and the strength of the hands).

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 2. Take the texture sheet and put the clay to it in the place, whose imprint you want to get. Tip: So that the clay does not stick to the sheet, slightly wipe it with olive oil or use the SLIK special balm.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 3. Carefully cut down the future pendant along the contour using a sewn or acute blade. Do not be afraid of irregularities - they are easy to remove in the next stage.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 4. Take the tube from the juice and cut the hole in the center of the Coulomb (where we are then put the stone). This is necessary so that the clay does not try to push the stone during the firing during shrinkage.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 5. Remove the circle dial, picing it with a selection.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 6. Wait until the base dry (you can speed up the process while drying it under the hairdryer), and the edges should be treated with careful movements. To do this, it is convenient to use abrasive sponges and grinding skins of different graininess (for example, 3m).

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 7. Take a wet brush and gently wet the place on the pendant where you plan to put a stone / glass.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 8. Take the Syringe PMC-3 SYRINE and put them two small points opposite each other as if you wanted to use a syringe as a glue for a stone.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 9. While the points did not dry, place the stone on them, slightly pressing. So we will fasten a stone based on the future coulon.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 10. For better clutch, we recommend walking along the junction between the stone and the clay with a humid brush.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 11. We again take the syringe and spend the trickle along the stone in a circle, close to the junction with clay. Do not worry, if it turned out not very smoothly - in the next step, everything can be corrected.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 12. We take a wet brush and gently correct the line of the syringe, if something happens not very smooth.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 13. We hold two more circles with a syringe and then make a "loop" across the stone to consolidate it in its place.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 14. We again take a brush and carefully smooth a syringe sausage to a stone and clay, removing irregularities.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 15. Wash the brush with water or alcohol and carefully wipe the stone so that there are no muddy clay traces.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 16. We take a little knocker and do the suspension hole. If the knocker is not, you can use a sewer or toothpick, but it is pre-diluted to dilute the place for the hole with water so that the workpiece does not cracked when you press.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 17. Next, we carry out the firing according to the instructions and wait for a complete cooling. In the photo - firing in a muffle stove.

Creating a Cool: How to make a rim for a silver clay stone

Step 18. Slightly grind the sandpaper, add the stalk as desired - and your pendant is ready!

The stone / glass is sitting firmly in their place and please the eye with the original design.

MK from PMC_RUSSIA (Argentarium).

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