Little fups-elfs from felt


For sewing these cute creatures, I used felt, fleece (sorry in advance, if I was mistaken in the title), and the usual cotton fabric. Variations on this topic are set, you can create a pupa on any topic, from the material that you have to do or which is in stock. You can also decorate anything.

In all cases, where the petals are made of cotton fabric, at first I processed it with a solution of PVA and water in a 1: 1 ratio. A solution was put on a piece of cloth with a wide tassel, then dried. It is necessary for the fabric to keep the form and the main thing is not satisted. In general, proceed.

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My first appeared elf, sunflower, I will start with her.

Large petals and shoes - yellow felt, small petals - cotton fabric, which I first "starch" using a PVA and water solution in a ratio of 1: 1,

The head - the cotton of corporal color, if there is no such, then you can wear white cloth with coffee, the hair is the usual threads, moistened into the boiled crumble and twisted on the pencil with the subsequent drying, the face with acrylic paints, a blush - pastel.

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Pattern for the pupa. All sizes are conditional, you can do the way you want.

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Petals need 6 stuff. Each petal from the felt trimmed a thread of contrasting color.

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It cut out small petals from the "starchable" cotton, for the convenience of a drip of glue fasten to a large petal, then sewing ordinary stitches.

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For the basis of the circle with a diameter of 15 cm, we flash along the edge of the stitches, then tightening a little thread, filling the resulting "ball", tightening to the end of the thread and fasten it.

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First, the hot glue is fixed (you can also sew) in a circle three petals, then three more in the intervals.

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I make the head exactly as the basis: I flash the circle on the edge, fill, pull the thread.

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To know what size the cap or cap should be, you need to measure the circle of the head. It is easiest to do it with a meter, but if it is not available, you can regular thread.

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For the cap, I cut the triangle or the cone the widths and heights you need ...

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For ruffle, two strips of fabric in the form of triangles sewed. Before turning them, I do a small incision, so it will not pull the fabric. Everything is pretty ironing iron.

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I sew rour to the cone, then height stitching two edges together.

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For shoes, first cut out of the felt patterns without points on the seam, then sewing the bottom and last - the tongue.

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The legs are two pieces of twine, which first fix hot glue to the shoe and then to the basis of the pupa. The latter fasten the head all the same hot glue, then the hair from the thread, put on the cap and decorate at the discretion. Rice with acrylic paints of face. Pupa is ready.

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And now Elf-Pumpkin. The principle is the same as in the first case, I only add some differences. Base - Pumpkin, Cap and Cotton Fabric Head, Fetra Listers.

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Circle with a diameter of 25-30 cm flashing around the edge. Fill and delay the thread.

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Threading from burlap shake ball on six segments, so the pumpkin is obtained. Each time I bring the needle in the center and stretch the thread a bit.

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Collect all together.

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Case angel. Sheltered her from the fleece of two colors - red and white. Sheed with a contrasting thread. Hair out of wool for felting.

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One wing decorated with a heart.

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Points from the 5th to the 10th remain the same. In the case of an angel, you need wings, I have them in the form of a heart. She cut out two parts from the fleece, she crossed (leaving a small gap) with a contrasting thread, filled a little syntheps and finished the trimming. Wings last sewn on the back and decorate the bow.

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Angel has a handle - it is again a circle with a diameter of 3 cm, I draw stitches around the edge, I drag a little thread and fill. Sleeves - two parts of the pattern stitching and putting their edge.

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For the handle, I needed two segments of the twine. At one end, I tie the knot, stuffing it in the middle between the Singryprute, finally delay the thread and fasten it. The other end of the twine in the upper part of the sleeve and sew it. The handles and the head are then fixed to the calf by hot glue.

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Now the hardest thing, but in general, as for whom. I apply to a needle for filling (with numerous pokes by doing) wool straight to the head using a needle for felting. You can simply sew this wool, but you need to go well, small stitches, so that this very wool did not get out later.

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Next brewing starch. On a very small amount of water (about a quarter of a glass), a teaspoon of starch, bring to a boil. Starch becomes thick, in the same solution I starch napkins knitted with crochet.

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Wool I shake on separate strands and every one alternately waging the starch tassel, scrolling it a bit, so that it was round and wind on the spanks. Leave a day for drying.

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The next day I remove the skewers.

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A few words about the face. First of all, you should choose which eyes and mouth will be, there are many options for drawing them. I apply all a pencil, and only then acrylic paints. When I draw the face of the pupa, be sure to follow, so that the tassel was not wet, otherwise everything can be spoiled. Here you are an example, this time I hurried and was not very attentive, the result is a divorce. But you should not despair if the divorces are not strong, they can be corrected using pastels. Light brown pastel I gave as if the depth of expression and hid the shortcomings. Blush - also pastel.

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You can make such an elf with acorns and oak leaves. Listers from the "starchable" fabric, which I wrote at the beginning of the post. I forgot to write about the collection of such a doll, this little different. To the mainstream, I first fucked 6 pointed yellow petals (such as sunflower elf), then 5 oak leaves. When she took 6, they stuck a little bit, there were a lot of them. Five pieces just right.

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Processed PVA and water fabric absolutely not reflux and the fingers can be given the leaflers with a robbed shape.

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Author of the master class: Kotova Lyudmyla.

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