Decorating the clock with your own hands


Beautiful watches for the new year

Master class number 1

You will need

  • Plywood - thickness depends on the length of the axis connecting the clock arrow with the mechanism
  • Working clock mechanism with arrows
  • Electropolitanzik
  • PVA glue
  • Transparent file.
  • New Year's drawings
  • Stencil dial
  • Paint
  • Candle
  • Small skar
  • Brush

The process of decorating the watch

1. Cut from plywood dial - the circle of the desired diameter - and make the end-to-end hole for the mechanism and arrows.

2. The front part is treated with shallow skin.

Processing Skund

3. Pain the dial in the dark color.

Prayer dial

4. After drying the paint, apply wax - just wipe the candle until its wax covers the surface.

Apply Wax

5. Pain the surface in the main color.

Main color

6. After drying the paint, the tape of the dial shallow skin. Sustilly not to contemb the main paint, but to make the dark color manifest itself in parts.

Sun surface

7. Apply drawings the way you want them to be located.

8. Majet part of the dial, where there will be drawings, PVA glue.

9. While the glue is impregnated, cut the file in half, one part put the drawings face down and wet the water.

Preparation of drawing

10. Apply the second part of the file from above and smooth.

11. Gently remove the top of the file, the second with the pattern apply to the desired place to the dial and smooth.

Application of drawing

12. Carefully remove the remaining part of the file.

13. We are waiting for the drying of the adhesive, apply the stencil to the dial, lock it and rinse the numbers with a sponge dipped in a dark color paint.

Fasteners for watch

14. Loading drying and secure fasteners to hang the clock on the wall.

After enjoying this result.

Decorated New Year's watch

Master class number 2 - Turn old hours in new

You will need

  • Competitive mechanism and arrows
  • Circle from any material
  • Primer
  • Pink and white acrylic paints
  • Varnish
  • Large and small buttons (either Christmas symbols - grandfathers, Christmas trees, sheep, snowmen, etc.)
  • Hot glue
  • Small sandpaper
  • Pussy
  • Drill and drill

The process of decorating the watch

1. Burn the circle and wait for the dying of the primer.

2. Pain the circle of white acrylic paint and wait for it drying.

3. Pain in pink color twice.

Do not paint the second time until the first layer is dry.

4. The edges of the circle handle the shallow sandpaper so that white color manifested.

Preparation of old hours

5. Share a circle into four parts in order to more accurately arrange buttons playing the role of numbers.

6. On hot glue glued large buttons to the dial and small on the edges.

Since the new year's nose, instead of buttons, you can stick sheds of frosts, christmas trees or sheep.

7. When the glue dries, apply the dial of the dial of varnish on the entire surface.

8. In the middle drill the hole and insert the clock mechanism with the arrows.

Decorating old hours

Attach fasteners and enjoy the result.

Master class number 3

You will need

  • The simplest and cheap wall clocks (you can buy in IKEE)
  • Acrylic paints of favorite flowers
  • Pussy
  • Pencil and rubberbish

The process of decorating the watch

1. Disassemble the clock and take out the dial.

Disassemble hours

2. Draw a pencil themed pattern. We chose a flower. You draw something new year.

Preparation of drawing

3. Color drawing. If the paint is too thick, add some water.

Coloring better synthetic brushes is more convenient.

Color drawing

4. We are waiting for the paints dried, collect the clock, hang them on the wall and admire the result.

Beautiful watches for the new year

This was finished.

A source

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