Knitted hat with ears and without


3 (604x403, 183kb)



-proof, as in the photo below (found a grandmother in the "" "store", so I don't know what kind of yarn);

Knitting Yarn

-pilly spokes number 3.5 and No. 4.5;

- appliance needles for knitting brass;

-Kryuchka number 4.

Cap without ears.

Using the spokes number 3.5, dial 72 loops. Knit a rubber band 1 * 1 11 rows.

Main part:

Go to the spokes number 4.5 and knit as follows:

Scheme number 1.

1, 3, 5 row - chrom., According to Scheme No. 1 to the last. loops, chr.;

2, 4, 6 row - in drawing.

Sign in scheme No. 1 28 rows.

Knit a hat with a spit pattern

Refrigeration loops:

29 row - chr., * 3 together persons., Extreme (first and third) under the central (second); 4 persons. *, Repeat. From * to * up to 4 loops, 3 together people., Extreme under the center., Chr.;

30 row - in drawing;

31 row - chr., 3 together persons., Extreme under the center., 1 Persons., * 3 Together Persons., Extreme under the center., 2 Persons. *, Repeat from * to * up to 4 Pet., 3 persons., Chr.;

32 row - in drawing;

33 row - chrom., 1 persons., * 3 together people., Extreme under the center. *, Repeat. from * to * up to 3 Pet., 2 Persons., Chr.;

34 row - in drawing.


Connect all loops and cross the crochet. hinges.

Sust a pompon.

Cap with ears (for 7 month old).

Knit a cap without the teas in the above way (Number of Pet. - 58, rubber band - 7 rows., Pattern according to Scheme No. 1 - 22 row.)


Using the knitting needles No. 3.5 to dial 12 Pet. on the bottom of the header

and knit as follows:

Scheme number 2.

1 row - chrome., 1 is broken., 2 persons., 4 izn., 2 persons., 1 izn., Chr.;

2-8 row - according to Scheme No. 2;

9 row - chr., 2 together is broken. until later. Pet., Chr.;

10 row - chr., 2 together persons., 1 Persons., 2 Faces., Chr.;

11 row - chrom., 2 together is broken., 1 is elevated, chr.;

12 row - chrome, 2 together people., Chr.;

13 row - chrom., 1 ez., Chr.

Cord Tools:

14 row - chr., 1 English., Chr.;

15 row - chrom., 1 out., Chr.

Check up to the desired length.

Sew poars.

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