Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique


Today I present to your attention a master class on weaving a very interesting harness with Twin Beads (Twin) in the technique of Naddeel, made based on Jennifer Vanbenschoten. So, let's begin.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Materials: Durable thread on your choice (Capron 50K, S-Lon, Nimo or Fireline), round beads size 10/0 - about 5 g, double twin beads / superdouo, bead needle, scissors.

For the first row, type 1 bis. - 1 bead. - 1 bis. - 1 bead. - 1 bis. - 1 bead.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Closer into the ring.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

We take the thread of black beerts, type twin +1 bis. And we enter the needle in the top (!) Twin opening of the previous row.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Next, we go through the "empty" needle through the Black Beerinka.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

We repeat this manipulation with pink tween: We gain twin + 1 bisper, pass the needle through the top divestream twin and black bisper of the first row.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Similarly, we do with orange tween.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

The needle takes out of black biserinas and now it is necessary to go to the next row (!), We go through the "empty" needle to the top hole twin of the second row.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

In this row A set of beads and beads will be the opposite past row Pay attention to it!

We ride 1 bis. + Twin and pass through a black bead, and then "empty" needle through the top hole of the pink twin.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Similarly, we do with pink tween: 1 bis. + Twin passes through the black bead and the top hole of orange twin.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

And with orange tween the same

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Three rows are already woven, it's time to go to the next one. To do this, we pass the "empty" needle through a black bead.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

At this stage, the harness begins to acquire the form, so the thread must be tightened. The fourth row is similar to the second, the same set of beads and beads. We recruit Twin + 1 Beverage, pass through the top hole twin of the previous row ...

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

... We go through the "empty" needle through black bell.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Absolutely the same with pink and yellow twine.

We pass the needle with twin + 1 bis. In the top diverting twine of the previous row.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

We pass by the "empty" needle through a black bell.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Needle with a set in the top hole twin ...

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

And in black bell.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Go to the next row through the top hole of yellow twin.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Further, everything is similar, I will not comment on the photos, I think on them and everything is already understandable :)

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

Go to the next level.

Please note that the levels are similar to the bead set and beads, even: 2, 4, 6, etc., as well as not measured 3, 5, etc.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

At the end, a wonderful triangular flagel will be obtained.

Weavers harness from Bead-Twin in Nddeel technique

The hartus can be made with a 4-graded, starting the first row from a set of 4 twin and 4 beads. The more the set in the first row, the thicker there will be a flavor. Experiment with the choice of color palette, create with pleasure.

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