Track - Fourteente Tatal


Track - Fourteente Tatal

In the modern world, the problem of the deficit of things and objects has long disappeared. This is only a matter of money. We are so accustomed to use the goods that we do not present our lives without all this diversity. And after all, everything you need is to choose the necessary thing in the store and pay it. At first I was still going to do ... But I stopped and decided that I myself would do, let the crooked-space, but herself. From here, the history of the creation of a walkway-fourteen tire begins.

Once, after visiting the doctor - Surgeon, we have found a new diagnosis for us: Flat-Valgus Foot. What to do with it and how to be, besides what orthopedic shoes need - nothing came to mind. The doctor appointed procedures and recommended to walk barefoot on an uneven surface. Here I remembered that in the kindergarten kids every day go on the bags, rugs, and I also decided to make such a "piece" in my daughter. Because my docha, I decided to make an insect for her under the speaker name "Fourteen".

Break your old stocks, I found the required amount of the desired tissue and started acting.

So what should we need?!

Cut of a 2.2 meter fabric in length and 0.5 meters wide; some lining syntheps 1 m.; 6 candles, well, or thick markers; The beans of 1.5 kg, peas of 1 kg, instead you can use beads, but I do not have such a quantity, and the associated materials (threads, needles, scissors, Shv. Mashinka).

And now proceed to work:

To begin with, we cut a piece of 1.5 meters into length from the tissue and 0.5 cm in width. Cut off and folded in half. This will be the basis of our track.

We perform the side seams, leaving the site in order to fall asleep "Stuffing". After stitched, we get such a bag:

Track - Fourteente Tatal

Get on filling. We fall asleep the beans, approximately 500 grams and at a distance of 24 - 25 cm, deploy a double line. The second cell is made by analogy, only with peas. And also pave a double line so that the contents are not poured.

The third cell consists of a lining plant and candles, six I did not turn out, so I do 5 candles. To begin with, we cut the candle in half.

Why cut?! It was so more convenient for me when I firmly flashed on the machine, I did not interfere anywhere. Take two segments of the Singrytegone size 25 to 25, one of the candles in 2 horizontal rows, one cell with two rows, the other with three.

Track - Fourteente Tatal

Top with the second segment of the synthetic winterizer. Why in syntheps?! Because I tried without it, through a thin fabric, even my leg became painful.

Now neatly put this "stuffing" in our bag. They laid, leveled and slightly flashing the dotted line for convenience in the future. After all rows are noted, you can flash on the sewing machine. As a result, we get this:

Track - Fourteente Tatal

Further, all by analogy. The remaining materials are enough exactly to three of the same cells. Cell with peas, cell with beans and cell with candles.

As I said, docha my arrogance and the usual track did not impress her, so we continue to make a walkway, turning it into the fourteenteen. For our fourteen tires, 14 legs will be required, the blanks are simple: we draw a leg on the tissue and cut it, it is easier to make a stencil, then they are squeezing with syntheps.

Track - Fourteente Tatal

And one more part of this head.

We lay out our track in full growth, and draw a circle on each of our cell a circle, with a diameter of 20.5 cm. As a stencil, I took the cover from the pan. We supply a simple pencil circle and dotted line slightly flashing with a needle, without affecting those places where there are already seams. It looks like this.

Track - Fourteente Tatal

After they planned our body torso, proceed to sewing on the typewriter. This process is not quite light, as it bothers the peas and beans existing inside. After we have flashed, it is necessary to cut extra details close to the seam, leaving about half acemeter for the mark. Cut, on again to the typewriter, in order to spend the edges.

Track - Fourteente Tatal

Then we sew our legs that are already packed with Sinyprun. We apply legs on both sides to our body, we sew a little, as always for convenience, and then sew them already on the machine. Sewed. Cut off all unnecessary threads, look, where that sticks out, align.

That's what happened. Well, the latter is a head. From the existing workpiece make your head. To do this, perform side seams, leaving a place to fill it with beans (I had it mostly). Send eyes and spout. Well, since our fourteen-tag is a girl, we attach her a boutique for beauty.

Track - Fourteente Tatal

That's it! Nowadoching with pleasure walks along with its Bukashka, massaging legs. And here is the fourteente table:

Track - Fourteente Tatal

This, of course, is not a masterpiece and not the best creation of needlework, she has an uneven torso and asymmetrical paws, but it is made with love and care about the most intimate !!!


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